TSA Doesn't Know How It's Doing: GAO Report | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Sep 26, 2003

TSA Doesn't Know How It's Doing: GAO Report

The TSA was given a large and impossible task, in the knee-jerk reaction to September 11. It has spent billions and billions of dollars. How's it doing? The General Accounting Office says the TSA doesn't know, and hasn't set up the systems to find out.

Here are some of the highlights from the GAO report:

[The text is the GAO's; the headlines are ours --ed.]

TSA recognized that ongoing training of screeners on a frequent basis, and effective supervisory training, is critical to maintaining and enhancing skills.

Training? Not now.

However, TSA has not fully developed or deployed recurrent or supervisory training programs.

...but it's gonna...

Although TSA has not yet deployed these programs, it has taken steps in establishing recurrent and supervisory training, including developing six recurrent training modules that will soon be deployed to all airports, as well as working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Graduate School to tailor its off-the-shelf supervisory course to the specific training needs of TSA’s screening supervisors.

TSA currently collects little information regarding screener performance in detecting threat objects. The primary source of information collected on screener’s ability to detect threat objects is covert testing conducted by TSA’s Office of Internal Affairs and Program Review.

...spent the money, but it's not telling them anything they want to hear...

However, TSA does not consider the results of these tests as a measure of screener performance, but rather a “snapshot” of a screener’s ability to detect threat objects at a particular point in time. Additionally, TSA does not currently use the Threat Image Projection system, which places images of threat objects on x-ray screens during actual operations and records whether screeners  identify the threat.

...but they're gonna...

However, TSA plans to fully activate the Threat Image Projection system with significantly more threat images than previously used, as well as implement an annual screener certification program in October 2003. TSA also recently completed a screener performance improvement study and is taking steps to address the deficiencies identified during the study.

...did most of the minimum...

As required by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, TSA implemented a pilot program using contract screeners in lieu of federal screeners at 5 commercial airports.

...doesn't know how to read the results...

However, TSA has not yet determined how to evaluate and measure the performance of the pilot program airports, or prepare for airports potentially applying to opt-out of using federal screeners, as allowed by the act, beginning in November 2004.

No evaluations yet, but it's gonna...

Although TSA has not begun evaluating the performance of the pilot program airports, it plans to award a contract by October 1, 2003, to compare the performance of pilot screeners with federal screeners and determine the reasons for any differences.

TSA not popular with airlines, either.

Numerous airport operators have contacted TSA to express an interest in obtaining more information to assist in their decision regarding opting-out of using federal screeners.

FMI: highlights; full report


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