EASA Emergency Airworthiness Directive For Leonardo Helicopters | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Nov 13, 2024

EASA Emergency Airworthiness Directive For Leonardo Helicopters

Affects Main Landing Gear On AB139 And AW139 Models

On November 11, 2024, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency issued an Emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD) affecting all serial numbers of AB139 and AW139 helicopters.

The AD affects the main landing gear (MLG) shock absorber assembly. There have been reported instances of a broken eye end of the MLG shock absorber piston rod, which subsequent investigation determined the cause was fatigue cracking.

If not detected and corrected, the condition could lead to structural failure of the MLG resulting in damage to the helicopter and possible injury to occupants. Helicopters in Group 1 have the affected part installed while those in Group 2 do not have the affected part installed.

This AD supersedes a previous AD issued in April 2024 for the same condition. Leonardo had issued a Service Bulletin (SB) providing inspection and replacement instructions and the AD required Special Detailed Inspections of the affected parts.

Since the issuance of the April AD, new occurrences of broken shock absorber eye ends have been reported, and investigation determined that the inspection interval had to be reduced. Subsequently, Leonardo issued a revised SB with instructions for new compliance times.

Accordingly, this AD reduces the inspection compliance time. The AD is to be considered an interim action and further AD action may follow.

FMI:  www.leonardo.com


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