Tango One Aviation Getting High Marks at FFZ | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24

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Tue, Jul 01, 2003

Tango One Aviation Getting High Marks at FFZ

ANN loves to pass on first-hand information of interest to flyers around the globe... especially when it's positive news. In this case, it's doubly enjoyable in that it concerns an old friend of ours, and his new FBO operation.

If any of you have additional PIREPs about any aviation business or entity to share, we'd love to hear from you so that aviators the world over may benefit from your experience.

Cirrus Pilot Rick Eiler stopped in at Tango One Aviation in Mesa, AZ at Falcon Field Municipal airport (FFZ), and filed the following report.

"Only FBO at KFFZ worth using! Tango One was amazing! I have used both FBO's on the field, however Tango One will always get my business. I was getting in later then planned 20:00 local time so I called and spoke with Chris. I knew that they closed at 20:00 so I asked where I could park, Chris explained the south tie down area to me in great detail. Arrived 21:30 and Chris was still there to park and tie me down. Great service and it gets better.

Knowing that the next day at my departure time of 11:00 it would be approx. 100 F, I asked if they had any hanger space, unfortunately they did not. Upon arriving 11:00 the next morning, I did not see my aircraft, they had pushed it into the hanger at 8:00 to keep it cool. They even had their mechanic working on the air conditioning unit of a Saratoga in the sun to provide me with shade. Conclusion, Great Service, Great Fuel Price and the Best FBO at KFFZ."

It looks like Dewitt and the gang are off to a good start. I might note that his FBO has a pretty aggressive fuel sale going right now... 1.99 per gallon... for BOTH 100LL and JetA.

Heckuva deal, no?

FMI: www.tango-one.net


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