Shares Association's Opposition With Foreign Experts
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association (AOPA) told ANN Thursday the association's vice
president for government affairs Andy Cebula (right) spoke about
general aviation and aerial work (GA/AW) at an informational
session with nearly 20 transportation experts from embassies from
around the world.
The meeting of the Aviation Assembly, held at the embassy of the
Netherlands in Washington, DC, was an opportunity to explain the
current general aviation system in the United States to the
aviation officials, and express AOPA's position on the current
debate over air traffic control user fees.
After explaining AOPA and its mission, Cebula underscored the
fact general aviation aircraft are essential to the US economy.
"Two thirds of the world's GA/AW aircraft are located in the United
States," said Cebula, "and nearly 70 percent of flying is business
"General aviation also includes medical evacuation, disaster
relief, and other lifesaving missions," said Cebula. "It is also a
vital tool for small business owners as well as large
At the meeting, Cebula covered the current FAA funding debate,
explaining it's currently funded through an efficient system of
taxes on aviation fuel, airline tickets, and general tax revenues,
and outlined how the FAA wants to change to a system of user fees
and increased taxes.
By October 2007, the US Congress must extend the current system,
approve a new system, or approve a combination of the two.
Cebula explained AOPA's position that Congress must maintain its
role in management and oversight of the FAA, and that continuing
the current system of aviation excise taxes through the federal
budget process is the best way to do so.
The association strongly opposes a user fee-funded system.
"If Congress were to approve a user fee-funded system in this
country, we could expect a huge decline in the general aviation
community, being literally priced out of the sky," said
Using information obtained at the International Council of Aircraft
Owners and Pilots Associations (IAOPA) World Assembly last year,
Cebula presented the facts about user fees in other countries. For
example, a landing fee for a Cessna 172 in the Netherlands is
between $10 and $50; it costs $250 to get a medical certificate in
that country; and pilots pay $750 for a private pilot certificate
exam. These costs are considerably higher than what pilots pay for
medical certificates and flight exams in the United States. In
addition, most US airports do not impose landing fees on general
aviation pilots.
Countries represented at the meeting include: Argentina,
Belgium, France, Germany,
Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the United
Kingdom, as well as the European Commission.
IAOPA represents the interests of more than 470,000 general
aviation and aerial work pilots and aircraft operators through AOPA
affiliates in 65 countries around the world. The Council was formed
in 1962 to provide a voice for general aviation in world aviation