Turkey Signs ESA Agreement | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Sep 07, 2004

Turkey Signs ESA Agreement

Joining The EU Scientific Family

Turkey is in the club. The European Space Administration Monday issued the following statement:

On 15 July in Ankara, Mr Jean-Pol Poncelet, Director of External Relations, and Prof. Noket Yetis, President of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), signed the Framework Cooperation Agreement between ESA and the Government of Turkey concerning Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes.
Areas offering potential for cooperation encompass space science, Earth observation research and applications, telecommunications, in particular service demonstrations and satellite navigation, microgravity research, ground segment engineering and utilization.

Cooperation activities can take the form of exchange of scientists, fellowships, co-organization of symposia and conferences, joint activities connected with experimentation on and utilization of products and services developed within the framework of Agency programs, or promotion of educational activities in space science and technology and in law.

Some cooperative activities are already taking place with Turkey (hosting of an EGNOS RIM station in Golbasi, specific Announcement of Opportunity for the utilization of ERS and Envisat data by the Turkish Scientific Community). More are under discussion, for instance the Turkish Academy of Sciences applying to become a partner of the ESA/UNESCO initiative 'Space Agencies Open Initiative on space technologies to support the World Heritage Convention', and the Turkish General Directorate of Disaster Affairs is set to become an Authorized User of the Charter 'Space and Major Disasters ' through their first micro satellite Bilsat-1, part of the Disaster Management Constellation.

The Agreement will enter into force upon finalization of the Turkish approval process and will remain valid for a period of five years.

FMI: www.esa.int/esaCP/index.html


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