Airborne-Unmanned 12.17.19: NASA Multirotor, Cannabis Drones?, UND UAS Degree | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Dec 24, 2019

Airborne-Unmanned 12.17.19: NASA Multirotor, Cannabis Drones?, UND UAS Degree

Also: Altitude Angel, GA-ASI Demo Flights, Terra Drone, Global Agriculture Drones Market

NASA has developed a flexible way to test new designs for aircraft that use multiple rotors to fly.

The Multirotor Test Bed, or MTB, will let researchers study a wide variety of rotor configurations for different vehicles, including tiltrotor aircraft, mid-sized drones and those future air taxis. The agency released a video showing the MTB set up in a four-rotor configuration during a recent demonstration inside the U.S. Army’s 7- by 10-foot wind tunnel at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley. While spinning, the rotors move between a forward, airplane-like orientation and an upward, helicopter-like one that can simulate vertical takeoff and hovering. The entire structure tilts, too, mimicking different orientations of an aircraft as it flies. A non-binding letter of intent has been signed between GRN Holding Corporation and Squadrone that will allow the cannabis company to purchase the drone operator. But don't expect drones to be dropping pot at your door. The intent of the deal is to launch a B2B delivery drone program for the hemp and cannabis industries. The drones would be outfitted with a cashless payment system to allow for closed-loop payments on delivery. Ten years ago, nobody knew how long it would be before the commercial potential of unmanned aircraft systems would be unleashed. That didn’t stop UND’s John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences from becoming a leader in the field in 2009, by becoming the first university to offer a degree program in UAS  operations. It was the start of many firsts in the field of unmanned aircraft for North Dakota. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

Airborne-Unmanned 12.17.19 is chock full of info in this Weekly News Episode, Tuesday, December 17th, 2019... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Hosts Sophie Hurlock, Brianne Cross, Christopher Odom, and Laura Hutson, and is supported by ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell, Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, and Aero-Journalist Tom Patton, this episode covers:

  • NASA Aeronautics Develops Multirotor Test Bed 
  • Cannabis Company Strikes Deal For Potential Drone Delivery 
  • UND UAS Degree Program Reaches 10-Year Anniversary
  • Altitude Angel Awarded Dutch UTM Contract 
  • GA-ASI Begins Demonstration Flights In Greece European 
  • Terra Drone Invests In Canada’s Unmanned Aerial Services Inc. 
  • Growth Forecast In The Global Agriculture Drones Market

Get Comprehensive, Real-Time, 24/7 coverage of the latest aviation and aerospace stories anytime, at And be sure to join us again next week for the next edition of "Airborne-Unmanned" here on Aero-TV. Thanks for watching. See you, again, next week!

@2019, Aero-News Network, Inc., ALL Rights Reserved.




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