Classic Aero-TV: Yamaha Remotely Piloted Helo-Precision Agricultural Application | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Jun 09, 2024

Classic Aero-TV: Yamaha Remotely Piloted Helo-Precision Agricultural Application

From 2014 (YouTube Version): Stunning Application of RPV Helo Tech By Yamaha

During his visit at the 2014 convention of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell talked with Steve Markofski who is with the New Business Planning division of Yamaha Motor USA.

If you have ever shown any interest in the operation of a model helicopter, you’ve got to see these big brother variations.

Found on display were their RMAX and brand-new FAZER remote controlled helicopters. What’s really interesting about these Yamaha remotely controlled helicopters is that they are not designed for military use or to deliver pizzas. They are intended for agricultural purposes commonly called “aerial application,” or most likely stated to as crop-dusting.

Designed for use on what is referred to as a “high-value crops,” they have been in service in Japan for a number of years. According to Markofski, these miniature crop duster’s can treat 16 acres in the same amount of time it used to take to cover one acre using ground methods.

This video has lots of action scenes showing what these little guys can do. If you have ever wanted to be a crop duster but felt it was too dangerous, the Yamaha R- MAX and FAZER radio controlled copters are the way to go.

Copyright 2014, Aero-News Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.




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