Aero-TV: IXI Dronekiller - For When Good Drones Go Bad | Aero-News Network
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Mon, May 21, 2018

Aero-TV: IXI Dronekiller - For When Good Drones Go Bad

Designed To Disable All Types Of Drones

IXI Technology displayed its "Drone Killer" at AUVSI earlier this month. According to the company, the Drone Killer disables Unmanned Air Vehicles of all types. The Drone Killer enables Defense and Security Forces to thwart the use of drones by criminals and enemy combatants for surveillance and direct attacks to drop bombs, grenades, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on fighting forces.

The Drone Killer can also be used by First Responders and others to disable a drone being operated in restricted air space or when a drone is interfering with their operations.

The company says the Drone Killer is a cost effective counter-UAS unit ideal for Defense and Security teams deployed World-Wide. The Drone Killer adds counter-UAS capabilities to mobile forces that cannot use large systems that add weight and require added power sources. The Drone Killer is compact and light-weight, able to be deployed from inside light vehicles or by dismounted warfighters in mobile units, strike teams, checkpoints, forward outposts, and security response teams. Mobile units with the Drone Hunter provide gap-filling coverage and pursuit capabilities that complement larger, more costly fixed-location automated UAS defense systems.

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