Transport Canada to Amend CARs | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Feb 04, 2003

Transport Canada to Amend CARs

New Changes to Meet New Standards

Transport Minister David Collenette has announced proposed amendments to the Canadian Aviation Regulations governing design changes to aeronautical products. The proposed regulations will mean that any design change to aircraft, engines and propellers must meet the latest airworthiness standards.

"The proposed regulations will enhance Canada's already high level of aviation safety," said Mr. Collenette. "These changes to Canadian regulations are in line with changes proposed by international regulatory authorities and support the continued growth of Canada's important aeronautic industry."

Previously, when proposing changes to a product, an applicant, such as a parts manufacturer, could continue to meet the standards established at the initial certification of the product. Under the proposed regulations, any significant change to the product would now need to meet the most recent aeronautical standards as opposed to the standards at initial certification, except where it would not contribute to enhancing the level of safety.

The proposed changes were published in the Canada Gazette Part I on Saturday, February 1, 2003.

Following publication in the Canada Gazette Part I, there is a 75-day period for the public to respond. After consideration of the comments, the regulations will be finalized and published in the Canada Gazette Part II.



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