TIME Magazine Finally 'Explains' Their Attack on GA | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Jan 03, 2003

TIME Magazine Finally 'Explains' Their Attack on GA

OK... They're Sorry... But It Was STILL A Stupid Misrepresentation

Time magazine is finally responding to criticism of their wholly inaccurate misrepresentation of GA aircraft as a threat to nuclear powerplants. ANN Correspondent Juan Jimenez did his usual great job of letting them know that they goofed and they actually responded... albeit via what sure appears to be a form letter. Mind you, it only took them the better part of two weeks to do so...

Herewith, their response:

I am writing to acknowledge your e-mail concerning the TIME ad that ran in the December 23 issue of TIME magazine, depicting an airport runway, two small aircraft, and two towers of a nuclear power facility. 

The ad was intended to illustrate how dramatically Americans’ perceptions have changed since September 2001.  Before that date, the juxtaposition of an airport runway and a nuclear facility would not have raised an eyebrow.  But since September 11, even the most commonplace images have the power to provoke us to see things differently.

The ad was not intended to suggest that small aircraft pose a particular danger to our national security, or that a small aircraft could in any way penetrate a nuclear tower. TIME regrets any inference to the contrary that may have been taken by general aviation pilots. 

Out of respect for the general aviation industry, TIME has removed this ad from its media schedule. 
Thank you for your comments.
Eileen Naughton
President, TIME Magazine

FMI: www.time.com


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