Zenith Aircraft Hands-On Kit Building Workshop Comes To Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo
For the first time ever, Zenith Aircraft Company is bringing its’ famous two-day hands-on kit aircraft building workshop to the Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo. Participants actually build and complete a full-size aircraft component.
The rudder workshops have become popular with sport aviation enthusiasts who have considered building their own aircraft, but were not sure if they could handle the required skills, workspace and tools. During the two-day workshop, participants actually construct a Zenith Aircraft rudder assembly from a standard kit. The workshop will be offered twice: Wednesday - Thursday and Friday - Saturday. Additionally, a free, one-hour, hands-on workshop seminar and demonstration will be held daily from 12:30-1:30 during U.S. Sport Aviation Expo at the Zenith Aircraft workshop tent.
In the hands-on workshop process, participants tackle many activities including learning how to read drawings (blueprints) and work from assembly instructions (manuals). They learn the procedures for putting together an aircraft assembly, including drilling, de-burring and blind riveting. As part of the building process they cut, file and fit the aluminum alloy sheet metal parts. In the end, they have an assembled rudder that is ready to install on an airplane.
The rest of the airframe is constructed the same way as the rudder using pretty much the same tools,” said Sebastien Heinz, President of Zenith. “People get far more out of the workshops than just a rudder. They go home with the knowledge and skills they need to finish an airplane. Most importantly, they learn that building is easy, enjoyable and something that can engage the whole family. Many of our prospective builders bring their spouses or other family member, who often encourage them to move forward with the rest of the airframe. With modern technology and good instructions, aircraft construction has become much simpler than most people imagine.”
The two-day, hands-on rudder workshop is an excellent way to learn about building your own amateur-built aircraft and about the many advantages of owning and flying an airplane that you’ve built yourself. For many, building an aircraft (from a kit) is a very rewarding experience, and today’s modern kits make it easier and quicker to build than ever before. Workshop fees are $375 and include the complete rudder kit for a Zenith aircraft.
The annual Sport Aviation Show features sport aircraft, and includes conventional aircraft, kit planes, powered parachutes, trikes, gyros, amphibians, drones and innovative designs such as electrically powered aircraft—over 150 aircraft on display. The 2017 Expo is scheduled for January 25-28.