Thu, Sep 05, 2024
Flight School Association Presents 3rd Annual Gathering
Early-bird registration is open for the Flight School Association of North America’s (FSANA) third annual symposium for Designated Pilot Examiners (DPEs).
The symposium will be held October 23-24 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida. The goal is to bring together current as well as future DPEs and the FAA for an opportunity to discuss best practices, common issues, and concerns. The previous sessions were well received and provided DPEs the opportunity to share information with other DPEs from around the country. In addition to DPEs and those aspiring to become a DPE, flight schools, government officials, FAA officials, and others attend to exchange information for the purpose of improving the practical segment of the airman certification exams.
Specific discussion topics include:
- How to avoid terminating Designees
- Learn about the new FAA Centralized Testing Office
- Interpreting variations in FAA policy for administering and conducting practical tests
The symposium is intended for current DPEs, those interested in becoming one, flight school operators, and chief flight instructors. It is the only annual event of its kind for the instructor/DPE/FAA community to gather and discuss how to improve the practical test in civil aviation.
The sessions will be held 8:30 am to 5:00 pm each day. Registration includes entry to the professional sessions and workshops for both days, and two luncheon and beverage breaks. The full program and registration form are available at the link below.
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