Danes Get Three New C-130 J-30 Models | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Oct 23, 2003

Danes Get Three New C-130 J-30 Models

Denmark's Heavy-Lift Fleet Gets a Big... Lift

The Royal Danish Air Force accepted three new Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Hercules tactical transport aircraft during a signing ceremony Tuesday at Lockheed Martin's Marietta (GA), facility (where the aircraft were built). Equipped with an enhanced cargo-handling system and a comprehensive integrated electronic warfare system, the new aircraft now will enter a modification program in Marietta for the installation of Denmark-specific equipment. They are scheduled for delivery to Denmark in the first quarter 2004.

Capable of flying greater distances with larger volume, the new C-130J-30s will greatly increase Denmark's airlift capability. "This delivery brings to eight the number of C-130J operators around the world, and it has become the new generation airlifter of choice for tactical missions," said Ross Reynolds, vice president of the C-130J program. "The C-130J's amazing performance and ease of operation make it a true force multiplier for any operator. Recent combat operations have validated the J's performance and its unparalleled ability to enter austere environments and deliver troops directly to the fight."

The Danish Air Force currently operates three C-130H Hercules, acquired in 1975. The new C-130Js will be operated by the 721 Transport Squadron at Aalborg Air Base and not only will support national interests of Denmark, but continue to provide air mobility in support of worldwide humanitarian and relief missions.

Denmark Joins Elite Club

A total of 105 C-130Js have been delivered to date for the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Marine Corps, the Royal Air Force, the Italian Air Force, the Royal Australian Air Force, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Royal Danish Air Force.

FMI: www.lockheedmartin.com; www.lmaeronautics.com


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