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Sat, Sep 18, 2004

Aero-Views: Air Rage

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb

By ANN Correspondent Kevin O'Brien

Long Island's Newsday called it, "A spirited debate on presidential politics aboard an Alaska-bound airplane" that " turned into an international incident." I call it dumb. Have you ever tried to change anyone's mind about politics? OK, have you tried to do it by bellowing and poking them with your finger for emphasis? Not to mention, have you tried this while you're drunk? Would you expect to succeed?

Well, Michael Husar of Huntington Station (NY) apparently thought this was, if not a brilliant plan, at least smart enough to execute. To make it better, he did it on an airplane, flying into a drunken rage at his seatmate on Northwest 849 from Minneapolis to Anchorage Sept. 10th. You see, she's a Bush supporter, and Husar is a thoroughgoing Kerry man -- although you wouldn't blame Kerry for it, if he chose to decline this particular endorsement.

Husar wasn't content with loud hostility to the Republican lady who had the poor luck to sit near him, but when her complaints brought a flight attendant he, as child psychologists say, "acted out," dumping out his drink, carrying on, and loudly resisting the flight attendant. So Husar got himself a new seatmate -- a Federal air marshal, as the plane diverted to the nearest airfield: Winnepeg, Manitoba. (No word on whether the air marshal had politics at all, let alone whether they were more tolerable to Mr Husar).

In Winnepeg, the plane touched down just long enough for Husar to get the bum's rush off the plane into the waiting arms of Canadian cops, who threw him into the drunk tank for several days of drying out. On the 15th he was finally released, after paying C$4,300 bail, to make his way home, under two strict stipulations from the judge: no drinking, and no flying. (If you ever wondered who takes Greyhound these days, there's one answer for ya).

Michael Husar isn't a kid; he's 58 years old, and retired VA nurse (Gee, I knew I'd seen that attitude somewhere before). You would think he'd be heading home contritely -- his wife, Linda, according to Newsday's Alfonso Castillo, is "very concerned and upset" -- but instead, he's still raging, threatening through a lawyer to sue the airline. The airline for its part wants the estimated $10,000 in fuel it cost to make an unscheduled stop to kick off Mr Husar's cold-turkey rehab, so he may have all kinds of reasons for going to court in the coming months. Even if nobody sues anybody, there are still two provincial and one federal charge for Mr Husar to answer in the Manitoba courts, the most serious of which could stall his now-postponed Alaska vacation (and put a crimp in his drinking) for two full years. At the barest minimum, the mean drunk gets a lesson in citizenship -- an expensive lesson, and taught by sanctimonious Canadians, just to rub it in.

Occam's Razor tells me that nothing that unusual is happening here, just one more jerk who hasn't got enough oxygen in his brain to handle an 8,000 foot cabin altitude after a little drinkie-poo in the terminal lounge. Those two things come together with someone who is already an overbearing jerk on the ground (Linda says he gets "animated." What, like Fred Flintstone? Or did she really intend to say, "mean as a snake?") and you get air rage every time. The only incident I can recall where the out-of-control passenger wasn't drunk, he was on speed.

I can't say I know which is dumber: trying to change someone's mind on politics while drunk (it's an undertaking seldom crowned with success when carried out stone sober), or acting obstreperous on the plane ride to your vacation. Also... imagine how persuasive this approach was! I bet everybody on the plane that was undecided is now all in favor of Kerry. Oh, yeah. "Honey, I've made up my mind -- that there mean drunk has persuaded me."

Now, if I was Dan Rather, I'd do anything for the documents that prove Karl Rove was behind it.



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