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Thu, Jan 09, 2003

How Do They Do This?

Disoriented Man Gets Aboard Jetliner

An ATA spokeswoman answered ANN, "That's more a question for the airport security and the TSA."

A man identified as Richard N. Moore, 40, decided to go for an airplane ride, and snuck aboard an American Trans Air 737 on Tuesday.

According to local reports, he was a bit disoriented; but he managed to get aboard, and seat himself in the tenth row.

An alert ATA mechanic, Miguel Santos, said he saw the man going into the airplane; he followed the stowaway into the plane, saw him in the seat, and called police.

Moore reportedly told the important people that he was taking Xanax (alprozalam), an anti-anxiety drug. He said he sometimes blacks out, and that he sometimes walks in his sleep; he was released from the Pinellas County Jail on his own recognizance.

Needless to say, the TSA, dogs, et. al., scoured the plane, looking for something dangerous... which wasn't there.



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