Ohio TFR: 09/20/04 - 09/21/04 | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Sep 18, 2004

Ohio TFR: 09/20/04 - 09/21/04

N OTAM:  4/9862 
Issued:  09/17/2004 19:20 
Effective:  09/20/2004 19:00 - 09/21/2004 13:00 
State:  OH 
Type:  VIP 
Description:  COLUMBUS, OHIO, SEPTEMBER 20 2004 LOCAL. 

FDC 4/9862 ZID PART 1 OF 2 FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS COLUMBUS, OHIO, SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 LOCAL. PURSUANT TO TITLE 14, SECTION 91.141 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, AIRCRAFT FLIGHT OPERATIONS ARE PROHIBITED WITHIN THE FOLLOWING AREA (S) UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY ATC. 3.0 NMR BLW 3000 FEET AGL OF 395953N/0825331W OR THE APE243016.7 FROM 0409201900 (1500 LOCAL 09/20/04) UNTIL 04009201950 (1550 LOCAL 09/20/04) 3.0 NMR BLW 3000 FEET AGL OF 395737N/0825953W OR THE APE244022.0 FROM 0409201930 (1530 LOCAL 09/20/04) UNTIL 0409202155 (1755 LOCAL 09/20/04) 3.0 NMR BLW 3000 FEET AGL OF 395230N/0830620W OR THE XUB349021.7 FROM 0409202135 (1735 LOCAL 09/20/04) UNTIL 0409202300 (1900 LOCAL 09/20/04) 3.0 NMR BLW 3000 FEET AGL OF 395737N/0825953W OR THE APE244022.0 FROM 0409202240 (1840 LOCAL 09/20/04) UNTIL 0409211230 (0830 LOCAL 09/21/04) END PART 1 OF 2

FDC 4/9862 ZID PART 2 OF 2 FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS COLUMBUS, OHIO, SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 LOCAL. 3.0 NMR BLW 3000 FEET AGL OF 395953N/0825331W OR THE APE243016.7 FROM 0409211210 (0810 LOCAL 09/20/04) UNTIL 0409211300 (0900 LOCAL 09/21/04) END PART 2 OF 2

FMI: http://tfr.faa.gov/tfr/jsp/list.jsp


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