AFA: United Airlines Flight Attendants Subject To Involuntary Furlough | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Jan 17, 2014

AFA: United Airlines Flight Attendants Subject To Involuntary Furlough

Union Says Management Fails To Recognize Legally Binding Contractual Involuntary Furlough Protection

United Airlines flight attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), have called on management to work collaboratively to find solutions and prevent any involuntary job loss. After weeks of discussion and tireless work on behalf of the union, today United management has stated they will involuntary furlough  "some of our most junior members," the union said in a news release.

Greg Davidowitch, AFA president at United issued the following statement:

"At the very basic level, today's announcement is a failure by management to recognize protections of our contract. Despite our recommendations to pursue options that would mitigate the company's staffing overage, management declined to do the right thing and make the right choice for our airline's success.

"Successful airlines do not lay off workers, they work with the union for solutions. We continue to meet with management and offer creative solutions to an involuntary furlough; while also addressing the company's needs to mitigate an overage in manpower. They will try and create clever terms to justify their choice, and most certainly drop the blame on the union, but what it comes down to is simply the promise of United's merger not being realized.

"AFA will continue to pursue any and all opportunities that mitigate the devastating effects this decision will have on those being laid off, and on our company as a whole. We will continue to advocate to management to find alternatives that avoid job loss, and work collaboratively for creative and reasonable solutions. It's not too late to turn this thing around, management can still choose to do the right thing."



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