Sun, Jan 17, 2016
Serves As Airport Director At Manchester-Boston Regional Airport
Mark Brewer, A.A.E., Airport Director at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, has received the American Association of Airport Executives' Distinguished Service Award, which is presented to airport executives in honor of an exemplary career and contributions to the airport industry.

"Mark is an invaluable colleague who has served the nation's aviation community in a number of roles, including airport director and active AAAE member," said Jeff Mulder, A.A.E., Director of Airports at the Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust. "In addition to his years of hard work as a successful airport operator, Mark has cared enough about airports to undertake numerous volunteer positions that have resulted in invaluable improvements to our industry."
The Distinguished Service Award is one of AAAE's highest levels of recognition. Men and women receive the award as a mark of accomplishments in their professional and personal lives. Respected leaders of their own communities, these men and women also contribute to other aviation organizations, serve AAAE and its chapters and participate in civic and community affairs. Distinguished Service Award winners exemplify the best in airport management by continually bringing credit to the profession and the aviation community. All DSA winners are Accredited Airport Executives (A.A.E.) and exemplify the standards accreditation seeks to inspire. Brewer received the award at the 30th Annual AAAE Aviation Issues Conference in Maui, Hawaii.
Brewer has been active in many aspects of AAAE over the years, including serving a term as AAAE Chair and as a member of the Executive Committee. He has also served as member of the Board of Directors for the International Association of Airport Executives, President of AAAE's Northeast Chapter and a member of AAAE's Safety/Security and Diversity Committees.
Before joining Manchester-Boston Regional Airport in 2008, Brewer held senior management positions at five different airports along the East Coast in Hyannis, Massachusetts; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Salisbury, Maryland; Allentown, Pennsylvania; and Providence, Rhode Island. He was President and CEO of the Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC) before joining Manchester-Boston.
Brewer previously served as an associate on the Transportation Security Administration's Security Technology Deployment Office and was an industry representative on the TSA's Airside Security Task Force. Brewer has a Bachelor's Degree in Air Commerce from the Florida Institute of Technology.
(Source: AAAE news release)
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