AD: ATR–GIE Avions de Transport Régional Airplanes | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Nov 23, 2021

AD: ATR–GIE Avions de Transport Régional Airplanes

AD 2021-24-07 Requires A General Visual Inspection Of Both Engine Fire Handles And Applicable Corrective Actions

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain ATR–GIE Avions de Transport Régional Model ATR42 airplanes and Model ATR72 airplanes.

This AD was prompted by a report of a certain procedure in the aircraft maintenance manual (AMM) that incorrectly described a visual inspection of the fire handle. This AD requires a general visual inspection of both engine fire handles and applicable corrective actions, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products. This AD becomes effective November 22, 2021.

Supplementary Information: The FAA invites you to send any written data, views, or arguments about this final rule. Send your comments to an address listed under ADDRESSES. Include “Docket No. FAA-2021-1008; Project Identifier MCAI-2021-01210-T” at the beginning of your comments. The most helpful comments reference a specific portion of the final rule, explain the reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data. The FAA will consider all comments received by the closing date and may amend this final rule because of those comments.

Except for Confidential Business Information (CBI) as described in the following paragraph, and other information as described in 14 CFR 11.35, the FAA will post all comments received, without change, to, including any personal information you provide. The agency will also post a report summarizing each substantive verbal contact received about this final rule.



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