Pilots Identified in HE-111 Crash | Aero-News Network
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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Sat, Jul 12, 2003

Pilots Identified in HE-111 Crash

Aircraft Was Once Gen. Franco's Personal Transport

Two pilots from Arizona who died in the crash of the world's last flying Heinkel HE-111 bomber have been identified, as the investigation continues into what caused the plane to go down short of the runway in Cheyenne (WY) Thursday.

The Arizona Republic reports Neil Stampof of Cave Creek and Charles "Stephen" Bates of Ahwatukee Foothills were both volunteers at the Arizona Wing of the CAF. The plane had been on exhibit at Falcon Field in Mesa (AZ). Mitch Lucas, a 43-year old construction worker who was just a few yards away from the crash site said he wants the families of the two pilots to know, "those guys were heroes. "They were fighting their asses off trying to steer that plane away from houses and an oil refinery... the last thing they saw was me hauling ass," he said.

Engine Out?

 Lucas told the Republic that when he first saw the bomber, it was losing altitude and flying on just one engine. The other prop, he said, wasn't turning. The Heinkel impacted the ground and burned just outside a building Lucas was helping to construct in Cheyenne. Witnesses told the Associated Press they heard a "sputtering sound" from the aircraft as it descended. An initial incident report from the FAA indicated the aircraft had been cleared to land at Cheyenne's airport when the accident occurred.

The HE-111 was heading for the Montana Airfest 2003 show in Missoula (MT) when it went down Thursday. It was the first crash in the 25-year history of the Arizona CAF chapter.

Bomber Played Colorful Role In Spanish History

The HE-111 was purchased by the CAF in 1977 from an owner in Britain. The aircraft was made in Spain under license from the German military and, the AP reports, had been the personal transport aircraft of Spanish dictator Gen. Francisco Franco.

"The Heart And Soul Of The CAF"

CAF Executive Director Bob Rice told the Republic Friday the two pilots killed in the crash were typical of the organization's 9,000 members. "Volunteers like these men are the heart and soul of the Commemorative Air Force."

In Cave Creek, Stampof's family was making ready to claim his body Friday. After hearing of the crash, some of his neighbors went to the flagpole outside his house and lowered the standard to half-mast in his memory.

Neil Stampof and Stephen Bates have gone west. Happy landings, gentlemen.

FMI: www.confederateairforce.org


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