GAMA Welcomes TSA Release Of Alien Flight Training Rule | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Sep 20, 2004

GAMA Welcomes TSA Release Of Alien Flight Training Rule

Background Checks Now The Responsibility of DHS And TSA

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) says it's pretty happy with the TSA's release of the alien flight training interim final rule. As required by the Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act (VISION-100), the rule transfers the responsibility for background checks of aliens seeking flight training from the Department of Justice to the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA.

"This action by TSA is good news for our industry," said Ron Swanda, GAMA’s interim president and CEO. "The United States trains most of the world’s pilots and we want to ensure that this can continue safely and securely."

In addition to moving the responsibility for background checks to the TSA, the rule properly excludes ground training and demonstration flights from being covered by the interim final rule. It also exempts recurrent training from fingerprinting and security threat assessment requirements.



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