Classic Aero-TV: Having It Your Way -- Ron Tarrson's Aspen-Equipped Navion | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jan 17, 2023

Classic Aero-TV: Having It Your Way -- Ron Tarrson's Aspen-Equipped Navion

From 2010 (YouTube Version): A Classic Flying Machine Gets A Taste Of The Future

While companies like Avidyne and Garmin have introduced a new generation of GA aircraft owners to the glass panel revolution with every new airplane rebuilt these days (or so it seems), a quiet little company in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has made that same revolution available to many thousands of other pilots and airplanes with one of the most divinely inspired glass panel upgrades seen so far.

Aspen Avionics' Evolution system, available in everything form a simple but truly affordable single screen installation to a deluxe (and still surprisingly cost-effective) three tube installation with ALL the bells and whistles. NEVER in the history of GA, have we had better choices and greater capabilities... and Aspen is a large part of the reason that this is so.

We've had a ball getting to see how these new systems have been integrated into a number of GA birds and met some folks who are proving to be convincing evangelists for Aspen and the new technology that is available to us now. But few of these stories is as intriguing and compelling as Ron Tarrson... who has installed a "No-Holds-Barred" Aspen upgrade into a lavishly restored 1949 North American Navion in military livery.

Ron, a Director for Santa Fe Aero Services is a guy who has been around aviation for a while and operates a Citation when he's in "Go-Fast" mode... so getting his experience and opinion of the Aspen upgrade presented a coveted opportunity to get real-world feedback from someone with "Time-In-Grade." Join Aero-TV as we grill Ron over his experiences with his deluxe Aspen install and how its holding up in the real world.




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