UAV Technology Conference To Focus On Counter-UAV Measures | Aero-News Network
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Sun, May 27, 2018

UAV Technology Conference To Focus On Counter-UAV Measures

Conference To Be Held In Prague In September

The increasing popularity of drones has brought increasing security threats including the growing hazard of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) unmanned systems being used by capable non-state actors. Matters have also been driven by the need to find cost-effective solutions for use against small UAS where otherwise higher-end missile defence capabilities might instead be used, at a cost of $3 million per missile.

With this in mind, SMi's UAV Technology conference taking place on September 26-27 in Prague, Czech Republic will not only address the development of these UAV's but also how to detect them, disrupt them and neutralize them while adapting to the increase in proliferation of these technologies.

Among the speakers and topics:

  • Major Tapio Saarelainen, Research Staff Officer, R&D Department, Finnish Army Academy will present on "Research and Development: Countering UAV Intrusions and Controlling COTS UAV Proliferation."
  • Captain Sean Lynch, Electronic Warfare Officer, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, US Army will present on "Enhancing Electronic Warfare (EW) Capabilities and Protecting against UAS within US Army Europe."
  • Colonel (retd) Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., Miroslav Kratky, Senior Lecturer, Department of Air Defence Systems, Brno University of Defence, Czech Republic will present on "The C-UAS Technologies for the Present and foreseeable Future."

The Czech Republic, the US, Finland and France will also host an interactive panel discussion on: "Adapting to Emerging Threats and Developing Counter-UAV Technologies and Systems."

(Source: UAV Technology Conference news release. Image from file)



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