CAE Opens new Gulfstream-Specific Training Facility | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, Jun 25, 2024

CAE Opens new Gulfstream-Specific Training Facility

Bizjet Builder’s Hometown Gets Much-Needed Educational Advancement

CAE today has kicked off operations at its first Gulfstream-focused business aviation training center, a base that will one day produce hundreds of freshly qualified pilots and technicians for the brand's platforms.

The new facility was built a spitting distance away from Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. headquarters in Savannah, Georgia, with room for up to 4 full-flight simulators as their student numbers grow. The first, a Gulfstream G550 FFS, began operating last January, and the second, a Gulfstream G280 FFS, will be ready for training starting in July. The maintenance training program will aim to be the most futuristic course attendees can experience, utilizing fancy new virtual reality gear in learning the AMT ropes for the Gulfstream G280, G650, and G500/G600 business jets.

That throughline of tech weaves all across the curriculum for all their coursework, with CAE Rise being used to provide data all along the training process. That lets instructors see where students are getting things right and wrong, and detect trending safety shortcomings before they have a chance to endanger anyone. The new Savannah Training Center should one day produce more than 32,000 business aviators, and 74,000 new AMT's by 2032. CAE operatores 5 such locations dedicated to business aviation, an understandable trend given the boom in bizjet ops.

“Savannah has been home to Gulfstream’s worldwide headquarters for more than 50 years,” said Mark Burns, President, Gulfstream. “I am confident that CAE will reap the same great benefits we’ve received from this welcoming community and, of course, the incredible workforce we have here.”

“The inauguration of the CAE Savannah training center is a significant milestone in terms of the advanced training and customer experience we offer to Gulfstream operators, making it more convenient than ever for their pilots and maintenance technicians to train with CAE,” said Marc Parent, CAE’s President and CEO. “CAE Savannah is a showcase for innovation. Virtual reality, for example, will be used in both the theoretical and practical elements of our maintenance training program. CAE Rise™ will also be used on all simulators, empowering instructors with technology that delivers insights and data to enrich simulator training for pilots.”



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