A Little Aero-Humor Among Friends -- Dan Gryder Guitar Lesson On YouTube | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jan 17, 2012

A Little Aero-Humor Among Friends -- Dan Gryder Guitar Lesson On YouTube

Video Prompts Request For Advice From Jack Pelton

Dan Gryder is a Delta pilot, also an instructor and airshow performer in the DC-3. But he's also a bluegrass musician known for putting together jam sessions at his campsite at Oshkosh each year. Recently, Dan posted a video on YouTube, offering an introductory lesson to guitar players who'd like to learn finger-play. He linked it on his Facebook page, which prompted a humorous exchange with former Cessna CEO Jack Pelton.

Pelton asked, "So, if I wanted to buy a guitar to learn how to play what would you recommend?"

Dan replied, "Jack, I'm sorry, you may have misunderstood. I am a musician, not a magician. I've seen your landings. Save your money and buy a CD so no one gets hurt..."

Then, in his next post, Dan added, "OK, fine, I am just kidding Jack. I recommend a simple used guitar if you're unemployed...sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up."

It's great to see that after a really tough year, Dan is finding his sense of humor again.

FMI: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7CypDFMrJM


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