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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Sat, Jun 25, 2005

ATC Cover-Up?

Feds Investigate Under-Reporting Of Near-Misses At DFW, Other Airports

Are air traffic controllers routinely covering up near-misses and other errors in the tower? An investigation by the Office of Special Council says yes -- and indicates the problem has existed for at least seven years.

"It was to the point that I was fearful that two airplanes would collide," DFW ATC whistleblower Anne Whiteman told the Dallas Morning News. "I can say that without hesitation."

And she can apparently prove it. Special Counsel Scott Bloch told the Morning News there is documentation that supervisors failed to investigate some issues. In others, where TRACON supervisors did investigate, they failed to notify FAA Headquarters as required by policy.

In 2004, DFW TRACON reported two operational errors in the first half of the year. But the Special Counsel's investigation turned up 36 errors in the last half of 2004 -- 28 of them deemed "moderate" in severity.

"We take these charges very seriously," FAA spokesman Greg Martin told the Dallas paper. "As we became aware of them, we took immediate and thorough action."

Dallas Not Alone

There have been disturbingly similar allegations in recent days from Boston and Los Angeles. The LA Times reported Friday there have been four near-misses in just the last month.

The Boston Globe has also reported the NTSB is investigating a near-collision on the runway at Logan International, where two aircraft at different intersections were cleared for take-off at the same time.



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