ArkanSTOL Suspends Annual Competition | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Oct 28, 2024

ArkanSTOL Suspends Annual Competition

Team Blames Evolving Responsibility… But Was Safety a Factor?

The ArkanSTOL executive team announced that its annual event and competition would be suspended indefinitely. They cited “evolving professional and personal responsibilities” as the cause, which is certainly a believable statement with the amount of commitment and planning that these grassroot aviation outings require.

“We want to sincerely thank all our volunteers, pilots, sponsors, spectators and hosts for this amazing event,” the event team stated in its announcement. “ArkanSTOL is special and truly belongs to everyone who gave their energy and talents to its creation."

This unfortunate, yet understandable decision follows last year’s uniquely successful event. It drew in a 1,600 person crowd to sit in awe of competitors’ stick ‘n rudder skills or listen in on aerospace discussions. This was the fourth annual ArkanSTOL event.

However, the so-called “ArkanSTOLians” still have much to look forward to. Just a few weeks ago, the venue hosted its first of many Byrd’s Backcountry Flight Festivals (BBFF). This contained all the competitive fun of a true STOL event while also providing more inclusive opportunities for aviation enjoyers and pilots alike. 

“We believe that ArkanSTOL is just the beginning,” the statement continued. “Meanwhile, the ArkanSTOL brand will remain intact, because you never know what the future might bring!”

As STOL competitions have grown in popularity and frequency, people have grown more concerned over the risk factor. Those who choose to compete have to stay on top of their game at all times, even in practice without the thousands of spectators. The condition of their aircraft, which are being pushed to the limits of their flight parameters, also plays a crucial role in mitigating hazards.

That’s not to say that all STOL events should be blanket-banned, though the idea was brought in 2022 after well-known backcountry aviator Thomas Dafoe was killed in an impromptu competition. Still, properly organized STOL events, as ArkanSTOL has been, are both enjoyable and informative experiences.



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