Sun, Mar 01, 2009
Refurbished Piper Archer II Winner Announced At WAI
AOPA President Craig L. Fuller presented the grand prize
Saturday in the 2008 "Get Your Glass" Sweepstakes -- a fully
refurbished, glass panel-equipped 1976 Piper Archer II -- to
25-year-old Karoline Amodeo of Poughkeepsie, NY. The presentation
was made during the general session of the Women In Aviation
International Conference in Atlanta, GA.
"Karoline's passion for aviation led her to get her pilot
certificate and attend Daniel Webster College where she earned a
degree in Air Traffic Control Management," noted Fuller. "After
college, she went on to work at an FBO as well as a charter
operation. She recently learned that she has been accepted to be an
Air Traffic Controller at New York Center, and she will begin her
training in May."
Karoline's prize is a 1976 Piper Archer II that has been
completely refurbished with a new paint job, a new interior, and
most importantly, a new avionics suite that includes the Aspen
Avionics EFD 1000 computerized glass panel.
"The move to glass panel displays instead of traditional analog
dials and gauges has been dramatic, and Aspen was one of the first
companies to market with a product specifically designed to replace
those analog instruments without having to completely reconfigure
the panel," said Fuller.
With Saturday's presentation, AOPA's focus now turns to the 2009
"Let's Go Flying" sweepstakes. During the year, AOPA will use the
grand prize aircraft, a nearly-new 2005 Cirrus SR22, to showcase
all the things a pilot can do with a plane. It will be awarded to
one lucky pilot in early 2010.
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