AMFA Announces Scholarship Opportunity | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Jan 18, 2021

AMFA Announces Scholarship Opportunity

Deadline to Apply is 2/28 -- Two AMFA Scholarships For 2021 Will Be Awarded

The AMFA National Executive Council (NEC) has announced that it is accepting applications until February 28, 2021, for two AMFA Scholarships for 2021. Scholarships will be $2500 and will be payable to each recipient’s institution of higher learning.

Last year’s scholarships were awarded to students at the Aviation Institute of Maintenance in Norfolk and Embry-Riddle in Daytona Beach South.

“Contributing to the education of the next generation of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians is one of AMFA’s ambitions,” said Bret Oestreich, AMFA National Director. “We are honored to be offering this opportunity as costs have risen to obtain a FAA Airframe & Powerplant license.”

Those who apply must be currently enrolled in a school or university to gain their Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) license, be a US Citizen, and submit a 500-word essay explaining “what the Dirty Dozen means to you.”

Founded in 1962, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is a craft oriented, independent aviation union. AMFA represents licensed and unlicensed technicians and related employees actively involved in the aviation industry. These technician and related employees work directly on aircraft and/or components, support equipment, and facilities.



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