Watonga Regional Remodels 4,000-Foot Runway | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Nov 17, 2022

Watonga Regional Remodels 4,000-Foot Runway

Oklahoma Airport Modernized with ARPA, FAA Support

Oklahoma's Watonga Regional Airport recently hosted an opening ceremony in honor of the airport’s new 4,000-foot runway.

The project revamped the facility's existing 4,000 ft by 60 ft runway with a number of modernizations and changes to meet current-day FAA standards, improving the airport with improved LED runway edge lighting for better visibility in IMC. The airport also received an obstruction survey of the area to allow for the creation of new instrument approach procedures. That change will help to bolster activity at Watonga, turning it into an all-weather, year-round font of economic activity. In all, the project ran taxpayers about $2.8 million, funded by FAA grants and ARPA funds.

“This airport’s runway pavement was exhibiting significant distresses as it had been over 25 years since its last major project," added State Director of Aeronautics Grayson Ardies. "As the state’s agency for aviation and aerospace we were well positioned to program these federal funds for the rehabilitation of a major runway asset in western Oklahoma.”

“This airport has a vibrant community of based aircraft including a based agricultural spraying operation along with a recently renewed fuel farm," said Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation Tim Gatz. "With this completed runway project the city is now set for growth opportunities, and with aviation and aerospace as the state’s second largest economic engine, Watonga is positioned to help further the state’s aero commerce and tourism efforts,” said Sec. Gatz.

“Oklahoma Aeronautics and the FAA continue to show their support of the Oklahoma Airport System by investing in aviation infrastructure," said Senator Darcy Jech. "This airport is something the citizens of Watonga can be proud of for years to come.”

Representative Mike Dobrinski said the addition was an exciting change in the local aviation ecosystem. “As the Representative for Blaine County, this new runway is necessary for the continued growth of the aviation community throughout western Oklahoma. I am confident this will bring lift to the local economy by bringing new opportunities and better infrastructure to the area.” 

FMI: www.faa.gov


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