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June 09, 2023

Airborne 06.09.23: Citation Eco-Vandalized, CubCrafters ELAS, Next FAA Boss

 Also: 17th Annual VFS Electric Aircraft Symposium, New C-152 Engine Baffle System, NBAA Webinar

On 06 June 2023, protesters ostensibly connected to Last Generation—a group of climate-change activists indigenous, primarily, to Germany and Italy — egregiously vandalized a Cessna 525 CitationJet 1+ parked on Germany’s Sylt Airport (GWT). The aircraft is reportedly owned by a German real estate entrepreneur. CubCrafters is testing an intriguing new concept, called Electric Lift Augmenting Slats [ELAS], conceived to dramatically increase wing lift. Recognizing the potentially broad application for this new ELAS technology, NASA awarded CubCrafters two research grants (through the SBIR/STTR program) to partially fund the

Of Old Crows and Young Hearts

The Stearman Storyteller

As the Stearman Storyteller, Mr. Hans Nordsiek interacts with young people for the purpose of inspiring them to achieve their dreams—aviation-related or otherwise. Hans’s guiding ethos reflects and is loosely based upon that of “The Little Prince,” the character created by Antoine de Saint-Exupery who famously set forth: “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. … All grown-ups were once children…but only a few of them remember it.”

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FAA Rumors: Polly Trottenberg Next Interim Head

Billy Nolen Moving on to Greener Pastures

Washington, D.C. gossip has swirled as of late, with reports that acting FAA administrator Billy Nolen will be replaced by Deputy US Transportation Secretary Polly Trottenberg. Nolen reportedly told staff he would be leaving the administration partway through June, with gossip pointing to a position with AAM company Archer Aviation. In Spring, Nolen had acknowledged his plans to move on from the agency when the White House nominated a new administrator, but capitol intrigue has continued to postpone the installation of a permanent chief.

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Chart Data Change for Flights Outside of U.S. Airspace

Aviator, Save Thy Self

Beginning 15 June 2023, the FAA will change the manner in which foreign aeronautical data is represented on both high and low altitude IFR enroute charts. After the fashion common to the FAA’s visual charting products, U.S. IFR Enroute Charts—after 15 June—will emphasize the transition points beyond U.S. controlled airspace at which aviators must consult charting products of other nations or third-party providers.

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Cubcrafters Unveils Electric-Assist Leading Edge Slats

Boost in STOL Performance Comes Courtesy of Small, Instant Propulsion

Cubcrafters showed off a new engineering trick with a bank of leading edge, electric motors and slats for increased short takeoff performance, saying that the system boosts lift by 1.5 to 4 times over a stock Cub. The Electric Lift Augmenting Slats (ELAS) system won't necessarily join the CubCrafters option catalog overnight, though, being more of a prototype to prove the concept out. While it can be retrofitted to existing Cubs, CubCrafters is conspicuously mum about promising a production run just yet.

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EU Bizjet Restrictions Unlikely in the Short-Term

A Welcome Respite from Utopian Folly

Notwithstanding the vociferous indignation of climate zealots, European Union transport commissioner Adina V?lean has set forth her department will introduce no measures—neither restrictions nor prohibitions—to curtail the sale, ownership, or operation of business jets in Europe.

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Aero-TV: Of Australia’s Jabiru Aircraft and Engines

The Antipodes Finest Four-Stork Aero-Mills

Co-founded in 1988 by Rodney Stiff and Phil Ainsworth, Bundaberg, Queensland’s Jabiru Aircraft is an Australian, family-owned maker of kit and ready-built civil Special Light Sport Aircraft (SLSA). Unique among LSA and SLSA concerns, Jabiru also designs and manufactures a range of light, four and six-cylinder aero-engines by which its aircraft are powered. SLSA aircraft—more or less—are the LSA equivalents of larger, type-certificated general-aviation aircraft. As opposed to FAA standards, SLSA aircraft are built to consensus standards—guidelines collectively developed by

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NTSB Prelim: Beech V35

The Engine Then Started To “Backfire Badly” Then “Became Quiet...”

On May 21, 2023, at 1115 eastern daylight time, a Beech V35 airplane, N272S, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Rougemont, North Carolina. The pilot was fatally injured. The flight was operated as Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot was reportedly flying his airplane to the Hudson Valley Regional Airport (POU), Wappingers Falls, New York, for an annual inspection. According to preliminary Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) data, the airplane departed Oconee County Regional Airport (CEU), Clemson, South Carolina, about 0948 and climbed to an altitude of about 5,500 ft mean sea level

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17th Annual VFS Electric Aircraft Symposium Itinerary Announced

Oshkosh Event to Host AAM Luminaries

The Vertical Flight Society (VFS) is a non-profit technical organization dedicated to the advancement of vertical flight. On 06 May 2023, the VFS made known the itinerary for its 17th Annual Electric Aircraft Symposium—the premier electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL), Short Take-Off and Landing (STOL), Conventional Take-Off and Landing (CTOL), and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) event at EAA’s world-renowned AirVenture Oshkosh. Speakers slated to present at the 22-23 July VFS event include ...  

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.09.23)

Aero Linx: The University Aviation Association (UAA) The University Aviation Association (UAA) is the voice of collegiate aviation to our members, the industry, government and the general public. Through the collective expertise of our members, UAA plays a pivotal role in the advancement of degree-granting aviation programs that represent all segments of aviation.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.09.23): Ground Communication Outlet (GCO)

Ground Communication Outlet (GCO) An unstaffed, remotely controlled, ground/ground communications facility. Pilots at uncontrolled airports may contact ATC and FSS via VHF radio to a telephone connection. If the connection goes to ATC, the pilot can obtain an IFR clearance or close an IFR flight plan. If the connection goes to Flight Service, the pilot can open or close a VFR flight plan; obtain an updated weather briefing prior to takeoff; close an IFR flight plan; or, for Alaska or MEDEVAC only, obtain an IFR clearance. Pilots will use four “key clicks” on the VHF radio to contact the appropriate ATC facility or six “key clicks” to contact the FSS. The GCO system is intended

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