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June 11, 2023

CubCrafters Researches New Aircraft Innovation

Pushing Innovation in the Yakima Valley

CubCrafters, the Yakima, Washington-based manufacturer of kit airplanes patterned after Piper’s iconic PA-18 Super Cub, has announced it’s testing a proprietary Electric Lift Augmenting Slats [ELAS] architecture by which the lift of its airplanes’ wings stands to be dramatically increased.

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Smoke Inundates U.S. Northeastern States

Le Québec Brûle

Over summers past, smoke born of wildfires up Canada way has passed largely unnoticed over the U.S.—primarily by virtue of its high altitude. Not so in 2023 ...

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USAF Review Looks to Mitigate Pilot Shortage

A General Named Charlie Brown

The United States Air Force has implemented a new review process by which Pentagon brass hopes to reverse the service’s long-standing shortage of qualified fighter pilots. USAF deputy chief of staff for operations Lieutenant General Jim Slife is reportedly endeavoring to determine whether the service needs hundreds more pilots to fill policy-making and managerial jobs—or if airmen of different backgrounds would fare equally well in such positions.

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NBAA HPN Regional Forum Imminent

Event to Address Key Business Aircraft Industry Issues

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) announced that its upcoming White Plains Regional Forum will feature more than two-dozen of the newest aircraft on the contemporary market, upwards of 170 exhibitors, and a comprehensive agenda germane to the future of the business aircraft industry. The event will convene current and prospective business aircraft owners, operators, manufacturers, customers, and additional parties essential to the industry at New York’s Westchester County Airport (HPN) on 14 June 2023.

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MIT Developing 1-Megawatt Electric Aero-Powerplant

Mens et Manus—and Then Some

On 08 June 2023, MIT’s campus news outlet reported a group of MIT engineers has set out to design and build a one-megawatt electric motor conducive to the propulsive needs of larger aircraft. To date, the band of boffins has tested the inchoate motor’s major components and demonstrated by dint of detailed computations that the contraption, once completed, will output one megawatt of power at a weight and size consistent with those of extant small aero-engines.

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Lockheed LMXT Engine Announced

US-Produced CF6 Engines to Power A330-Based Tanker

Lockheed Martin and Airbus announced the selection of GE Aerospace's CF-6-80E1 propulsion system for the LMXT strategic tanker project. The LMXT is slated to be Lockheed's KC-135 replacement option, built on the base of the Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) already in service abroad. Stateside production of the CF6 engine is expected to support more than 3,000 direct and indirect American jobs across 25 states, on-shoring critical production capacity for a strategically vital weapon system.

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Air Algerie Buys 7 Airbus Aircraft

Algerian Flag Carrier Expands Fleet with Widebodies

Air Algérie, signed a firm order for 7 widebody aircraft with Airbus, adding another data point to a larger trend towards heavier, international aircraft. The sale adds to the growing - but still minor - chorus of operators who are upending a few years of endless narrowbody orders, a perennial favorite in the industry owing to their lower operating costs and domestic profitability.

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Classic Aero-TV: AirVenture 2009 – Oshkosh in 150 Seconds

From 2009 (YouTube Version): Experience EAA AirVenture 2009 as You Have Never Seen Before

Each July, Oshkosh Wisconsin becomes home to hundreds of thousands of aviation enthusiasts from all corners of the world as visitors flock to EAA AirVenture. Started in September of 1953, the gathering has grown into the world’s foremost aviation event. During the week, roughly 10,000 attending aircraft transform Wittman Field from a quiet country airport to the world’s busiest air traffic control center. This year, attendance soared above expectation as 578,000 guests either came through the main gate or flew in during the event; every aspect of aviation was r

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Airborne 06.02.23: Air Tours Attacked, Skydivers Over Sixty, EAA Beer?

Also: China’s C919, Sierra Space, Ameriflight Drones, Bizarre Utah A/C Mishap

The National Park Service (NPS) and the FAA are rewriting the regulations by which air tours over U.S. national parks are conducted. Extant drafts of the agencies’ Air Tour Management Plans (ATMPs) call for radical and reactionary measures the likes of eliminating air tours in their entirety in some U.S. parks and, in others, cutting such undertakings by as much as 86-percent. Founded in 1992 under the guiding premise “You don't quit skydiving because you get old; you get old because you quit skydiving,” Skydivers Over Sixty (SOS) has evolved into an internat

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NTSB Prelim: Vans RV7

The Controller Advised Him That There Was “Extreme Precipitation” In The Area

On June 2, 2023, at about 0907 Central Daylight Time, a Vans RV-7, N977RV, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident in Gibbon, Nebraska. The pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) data revealed that the airplane departed Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (BJC), Denver, Colorado, at 0610 and proceeded direct toward Red Oak Municipal Airport (RDK), Red Oak, Iowa. The pilot filed an instrument flight plan. About two hours after departure from BJC, at an altitude of 15,000 ft mean sea level (msl), the pilot re

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.11.23)

Aero Linx: British Helicopter Association

The BHA is the non-profit trade organisation that represents the UK’s civil helicopter industry to government departments and international bodies. Its main aim it is to promote the safe, efficient and environmentally responsible operation of rotorcraft throughout the UK. We represent and promote the industry with government and public bodies in order to maintain a fair and balanced business environment; we engage with the public and the media in order to promote the value and benefits that helicopters bring to society; and we encourage younger generations to consider careers and opportunities within the helicopter industry for the future

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.11.23): Clearance Void If Not Off By (Time)

Clearance Void If Not Off By (Time)

Used by ATC to advise an aircraft that the departure release is automatically canceled if takeoff is not made prior to a specified time. The expiration of a clearance void time does not cancel the departure clearance or IFR flight plan. It withdraws the pilot's authority to depart IFR until a new departure release/release time has been issued by ATC. Pilots who choose to depart VFR after their clearance void time has expired should not depart using the previously assigned IFR transponder code. 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (06.11.23)

“With comparatively low acquisition and operational costs, ELAS is a disruptive concept that carries unprecedented benefits, including enabling fixed-wing aircraft to operate outside of designated airports and manage much higher payloads versus comparable eVTOL aircraft—all while enhancing safety.” Source: Part of CubCrafters CEO Patrick Horgan's description of a novel new high-lift augmentation program they are researching. 

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