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November 04, 2023

Fred McCarter/Aviation Tax Consultants Scholarship Announced

EAA to Debut New Aviation Scholarship Fund

Year upon year, the EAA Aviation Foundation awards more than one-million-dollars in scholarships through various programs supporting upcoming generations of aviation enthusiasts. Among the newest scholarships offered by the Association is the Aviation Tax Consultants Fred McCarter Scholarship Fund. Subject scholarship was created by Daniel Chueng, the late Mr. McCarter’s business partner, for purpose of honoring the latter’s legacy following his September 2022 passing.

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Embry Riddle Students Research Drone Swarm Mapping

Project Selected for Inclusion in NASA Competition

A team of Embry?Riddle students has undertaken research pertaining to drone swarms and the usefulness of such to 3D mapping initiatives within GPS-denied areas. By way of example, the term GPS-denied pertains to locales the likes of building interiors, underground mines and sewer systems, canyon networks, and heavily-forested areas within which GPS signals cannot be easily received. Dubbed Swarm Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Emergence (SUAVE), the Embry Riddle research project was selected for inclusion in the NASA Aeronautics Research Institute’s 2023 University Student Research Challenge (USRC)—selection to which is ornamented with a NASA research grant of up

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Palm Springs Air Museum Plans Veterans Day B-29 Debut

Winning by a Nose …

At 11:00 PST on Saturday, November 11th, 2023, Veterans Day, all 91,000-square-feet of the Palm Springs Air Museum will resonate with the excitement befitting the unveiling of the institution’s newest acquisition—the nose and cockpit section of a Boeing B-29 Superfortress dubbed Hot One (44-69957). The exhibit will be dedicated to the memory of Bob McKee, one of the Palm Springs Air Museum's beloved docents, and to the City of Palm Springs; so stated Museum director Fred Bell.

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Military Aviation Museum to Premier WWII Bomber Jacket Exhibit

Beauty Begotten of War’s Horrors

On Saturday, 18 November 2023, Virginia Beach, Virginia’s Military Aviation Museum will proudly open a new exhibit titled Bomber Jackets: The Painted Jacket Art of World War II. Aspiring to catalog surviving hand-painted bomber jackets of the WWII era, photographer John Slemp traveled the United States, visiting museums’ reliquaries and veterans’ attics, snapping photos and archiving memories otherwise lost among the specters haunting the shadowlands between the limits of human memory and time’s eternal vastness.

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Storied NASA Astronaut Ken Mattingly Passes at 87

A Life Well-Lived

NASA astronaut and U.S. Space Program luminary Thomas Kenneth “Ken” Mattingly passed away on 31 October 2023 at the age of 87. The staff of Aero-News Network extends its condolences to Admiral Mattingly’s family and friends, and salutes his immense contributions to humankind’s exploration of the cosmos.

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Airbus Tests SDAM Demonstrator Aboard French Naval Vessel

Faire Trembler le Sabre Français

Airbus Helicopters and Naval Group, in collaboration with the French Armament General Directorate, DGA (Direction Génerale de l’Armement), and the French Navy, have tested the SDAM demonstrator (Système de Drone Aérien Marine) Naval Aerial Drone System from a multi-mission frigate (FREMM). The trials spanned 02 through 09 October 2023 and were conducted on board the French Navy frigate, Provence as it plied the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Subject vessel had previously been adapted to operate the SDAM.

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Skyservice Expands YVR Presence

Vancouver by Way of London

Skyservice Business Aviation—a Toronto-based provider of Fixed Base Operator (FBO) and aircraft Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) services—has entered into a definitive agreement by which it will acquire the London Aviation Centre hangar facility at British Columbia, Canada’s Vancouver International Airport (YVR) from London Aviation Centre Ltd.. The transaction is expected to close in early November 2023.

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Klyde Morris (10.30.23)

Klyde's Pals Fall Victim To The Agonizers...


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Classic Aero-TV: ERAU’s Matthew Gailey-2019 Bob Hoover Presidential Scholarship

From 2019 (YouTube Version): One Of Four Winners Of A 2019 Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation Scholarship

The recipients of the 2019 Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation scholarship were announced at AirVenture 2019. One of those to be recognized was Matthew Gailey, an EARU Junior, Aeronautical Science Fixed Wing major with Applied Meteorology minor. He is studying at the Prescott Campus. Gailey will receive a $25,000 scholarship presented through the Foundation and The Citation Jet Pilot's Association (CJP). In partnership with EARU and the CJP, the Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation has annually presented Embry-Riddle students with scholarships to pursue

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Airborne-Flight Training 10.26.23: F-35 Make-A-Wish, CA Flt $$$, CAE Master Tech

Also: ATI Pilots, Aircraft Upset Prevention, Student Pilot Trashes A/C, Delta Donation

The USAF’s 56th Fighter Wing welcomed young Isaac ‘Axe-Man’ Salinas who, by virtue of the efforts put forth by Make-A-Wish Arizona, became pilot-for-a-day at the Grand Canyon State’s Luke Air Force Base. The Pilot-for-a-Day program is a Make-A-Wish initiative by which children are afforded an experience that might be referred to half-punningly as uplifting, yet very genuinely as a break from oftentimes excruciating daily challenges. Canada issued a statement in which an assortment of the nation’s Ministers and managers made

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NTSB Prelim: Piper PA-28-140

Security Video Captured The Four Occupants Returning And Boarding The Airplane About 2011

On October 1, 2023, about 2022 mountain daylight time, A Piper PA28-140, N7153R, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Moab, Utah. The pilot and three passengers were fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Titel 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. A security video recorded the airplane landing at 1747 at the Canyonlands Regional Airport (CNY), Moab, Utah. An employee of the fixed base operator (FBO) observed the pilot at the self-serve fuel island, where he purchased 27 gallons of fuel.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.04.23)

Aero Linx: Cessna T-50 "The Flying Bobcats" The Birth of the T-50... It was in the later part of 1938 and early months of 1939 that the T-50 twin was developed. Originally designed for feeder line and personal transport use, it has proven itself an ideal training plane for multiengine aircraft. This ship was test-flown on a Sunday and with a handful of Cessna employees present, it was taken aloft for the first time by Dwane Wallace with Bill Snook as co-pilot. Its success is evident by the quantities that were produced for Canada and the United States Army.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.04.23): Local Traffic

Local Traffic Aircraft operating in the traffic pattern or within sight of the tower, or aircraft known to be departing or arriving from flight in local practice areas, or aircraft executing practice instrument approaches at the airport.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.04.23)

“The main application is to map out GPS-denied locations and make a 3D map in a more efficient way... The swarm would spread out and get everything significantly quicker with a lot more data. You are able to get a more accurate map in significantly less time.” Source: Project co-principal researcher and Embry Riddle Mechanical Engineering major Daniel Golan, discussing ERAU research pertaining to drone swarms and the usefulness of such to 3D mapping initiatives within GPS-denied areas.  

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