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January 28, 2023

Michigan Man Dead After Firing on Police Helicopter

Air-Crew and Responding Officers Unhurt

On Tuesday, 24 January 2023, at approximately 20:30 EST, a 33-year-old man holed up in a derelict house north of Detroit’s downtown district pointed a laser at a patrolling police helicopter before opening fire on the aircraft with a rifle.

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AEA Opens Job Seeking Site for Aviation Electronics Professionals Offers "One-Stop Shop" for Avionics Careers

The Aircraft Electronics Association has sweetened the pot for members of the group, adding a website to recruit and retain employees throughout the avionics industry. The site,, is designed to be a "one-stop shop to help recruit and retain the next generation of talent", offering a few tools and highlights particular to the electronics market.

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Starlink Expands Reach to McMurdo

SpaceX Takes up Task of Internet Provision for Antarctic Research Station

The National Science Foundation has begun relying upon SpaceX's Starlink internet service, allowing far better connection to the country's most far-flung research sites. McMurdo Station, the epicenter of American Antarctic research, has been using the service since fall of last year, but expansions in uplink equipment has expanded Starlink's reach beyond the bounds of the large base camp.

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NASA Plays Clown Car with Crew Dragon Cargo Compartment

In Case of Emergency, Strap Copilot to Floor

The situation aboard the ISS has not abated just yet, with the leak on the Soyuz spacecraft forcing a shakeup in astronaut scheduling for the foreseeable future. Recent efforts to prep for any exigency have shown some of that old-fashioned NASA creativity, however, with both NASA and Roscosmos staff coming together to see just how they could finagle an escape should an evacuation be required before their scheduled departure. The solution? Jamming everyone in the only spacecraft that can (mostly) accommodate the full crew of astronauts and cosmonauts, the SpaceX Crew Dragon.

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NBAA Welcomes SMS NPRM Comment Period Extension

Optics and Overreach

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)—the Washington D.C.-based non-profit organization that collects, interprets, and disseminates operational and managerial data related to the safe, efficient, and cost-effective use of business aircraft—welcomed the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) January 2023 decision to extend the public comment period on a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would expand the compulsory implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS).

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Australian Firefighting Outfit Nabs Large Air Tanker Contract

Coulson Aviation's Boeing 737 to Serve as High-Speed Firestopper

Coulson Aviation has been awarded the contract for Australia’s National Large Air Tanker (LAT) program. The converted Boeing 737, Tanker 139, will become the newest addition to Coulson’s FireLiner fleet. Its home base will remain in Sydney, New South Wales but will support additional locations throughout Australia whenever required. As the National LAT, Tanker 139 will wear the name “Phoenix” as a result of a naming competition held with local schools.

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Aviation Performance Solutions Finishes 2022 Scholarship Training

Applications Open for Low-Time & Flight Students for Free Upset Recovery Training

Aviation Performance Solutions has announced the completed training of last year's winner of the firm's Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). 2022 APS UPRT Scholarship winner Emily Hogenson finished her Professional Pilot UPRT course earlier this month, building on her body of skill with a fresh new set of advanced pilot skills.The course puts emphasis on the ability to recognize, prevent or recover from an aircraft upset, with additional focus on "advanced manual flight operations".

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Classic Aero-TV: Fast, Small, & Exciting - An Introduction To FPV Racing

From 2017 (YouTube Version): Drone Racing A Hit At Sebring

The Sebring Sport Aviation Expo has "Sport" prominently featured in its name, and one of the fastest-growing segments of sports, and sport aviation, is drone racing. So it would seem to make sense that steps from the Sebring Speedway, drone racing was taking place at the January air show. Brian Morris of Team Multistar told ANN CEO and Editor-in-Chief Jim Campbell that there were about 110 of the fastest drone pilots competing at the show for a total prize purse of $20,000, with $10,0

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NTSB Prelim: Airbus A330-243

A Cloud Shot Up Vertically (Like A Smoke Plume) In Front Of The Airplane In A Matter Of Seconds

On December 18, 2022, about 10:07am HST (20:07 UTC), Hawaiian Airlines flight 35, an Airbus A330-200, N393HA, experienced severe convectively induced turbulence at flight level (FL) 400, about 65 nm NNE of Kahului, Maui, Hawaii, about 40 minutes from landing at Honolulu International Airport (HNL), Honolulu, Hawaii. Of the 291 passengers and crew, there were 25 injuries, of which 6 were serious.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.20.23)

Aero Linx: Flight Safety Foundation For nearly eight decades, Flight Safety Foundation has helped protect everyone who benefits from air travel, everywhere in the world. The Foundation is an international non-profit organization exclusively chartered to provide impartial, independent, expert safety guidance and resources for the aviation and aerospace industry.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.28.23): Low Approach

Low Approach An approach over an airport or runway following an instrument approach or a VFR approach including the go-around maneuver where the pilot intentionally does not make contact with the runway.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.28.23)

"We started looking at - like we always do in spaceflight - what is available? What could work" And so we figured out this cargo area might be about the right size to put a seat liner and a crew member down in this area. Then we went off and analyzed all the different things that we needed to have in place. Is the airflow acceptable? Can we maintain carbon dioxide scrubbing and all those sorts of things? Do we have enough Oxygen and supplies for them?" Source:  NASA program manager Steve Stich, explaining the thought process as NASA considered the potential use of a SpaceX Crew Dragon for ISS rescue...  

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