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January 15, 2023

ALPA Vows to Fight Efforts to Remove Pilots from Airline Cockpits

Mnemonic on the Hudson

On Thursday, 12 January 2023, the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) celebrated the heroic actions taken by the crew of US Airways Flight 1549—the so-called Miracle on the Hudson—and vowed to use the influence afforded the world's largest, most influential pilots union to ensure at least two fully qualified, highly trained, and well-rested pilots remain perennial fixtures on all Part 121 flight-decks.

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World Economic Forum Attendees, Private Jets, and Perceived Hypocrisy

Disparaging the Horses on Which They Rode In

On 13 January 2023, a global coalition for business aviation sustainability announced that the broader aviation industry—in keeping with the precepts of the World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow initiative—is offering a market-based solution to help offset the carbon emissions of flights to and from the Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland—which begins on 16 January. Jet Aviation—a Basel, Switzerland-based provider of business aviation services—is encouraging attendees traveling to the Davos forum via business aircraft to use Book-and-Claim, a transaction that secures the purchase of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)—even

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Passenger Advocacy Organization Demands Federal Compensation

Do Unto Others …

The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX)—a global non-profit dedicated to advancing the air-travel experience—has demanded the U.S. federal government compensate airline passengers after a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) database failure grounded the entirety of scheduled flights within the U.S. National Airspace System for nearly three-hours on Wednesday, 11 January 2023. The failure occasioned over ten-thousand flight delays and north of 1,300 flight cancellations—the whole of which adversely impacted millions of airline passengers and wrought more than $200-million in estimated economic damage.

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Klyde Morris (01.13.23)

Klyde's A Little Scared Of NOTAMs Right Now...


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Airbus Tests New Aircraft Automation Technology

Embellishing the Silicone Crutch

Airbus—by dint of an A350-1000 test aircraft and under the auspices of a wholly owned subsidiary dubbed Airbus UpNext—has undertaken testing of new, on ground and in-flight pilot assistance technologies. Known collectively as DragonFly, subject technologies have been devised for purpose of evaluating the feasibility and pertinence of further exploring autonomous flight systems in support of safer and more efficient aircraft operations.

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Classic Aero-TV: Realflight Drone Sim - UAV/Drone Training Without Risk

From 2016 (YouTube Version): Learn To Fly Your New Drone Without Breaking Anything...

Okay, you’ve got your eye on a really nice multirotor drone that can perform numerous functions that meet your needs, but you’re concerned about spending a fair amount of money and then taking a chance that it will get damaged when you’re learning to fly it. ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, attended the AMA Expo 2016 and found that there may be a solution to this dilemma.

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ACSF to Review FAA NPRM Requiring Broadened SMS Requirements

Vapor Trails to Paper Trails

The Air Charter Safety Foundation is a non-profit organization comprising nearly three-hundred member companies. The foundation’s stated mission is to “lead and support the advancement of the highest safety standards available; to enable the business, charter, and fractional ownership industry to offer the safest air transportation products in the world; and to provide objective information about these standards and services to the public. In accordance with its noble aims, the Air Charter Safety Foundation has organized an aviation safety leadership committee to review the FAA’s proposed rule requiring on-demand air charter, commuter, and commercial air tour operators to implement and use Safety Mana

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L3Harris Unveils Turnkey ED-155 Ready Recorder Package

EFD-750 and Lightweight Data Recorder Bring Simple Flight Data Compliance Into Focus

L3Harris Technologies has announced widespread availability of their Cohesive ED-155 System, a comprehensive, off-the-shelf flight data recorder. The system reaches into the L3Harris parts bin to assemble a ready-made combination of parts, combining the Lightweight Data Recorder and EFD-750 electronic flight display for a turnkey ED-155 compliant option. The company says it significantly reduces installation, maintenance service costs by eliminating the need to integrate, wire, test and connect a variety of systems to an ED-155 certified recorder.

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Embry-Riddle Develops Immersive Radio Training

Benefits Found for International Students

A handful of ERAU students set to work developing a 6 week program to enhance the quality of radio skills among their international students, and so far the results are promising. Using the school's Air Traffic Control Lab and funding from the Undergraduate Research Institute, the group created a realistic training environment to practice the radio calls required throughout a series of routine simulated flights. By rehearsing in the virtual airport environment, international students in the program improved their proficiency to more than 97% as gauged by pre/post testing.

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NTSB Prelim: Bell 407

They Heard The Engine Noise Increase For Takeoff And Then The Sound Of Items Hitting The Platform

On December 29, 2022, about 0834 central standard time, a Bell 407 helicopter, N595RL, was substantially damaged during takeoff from an offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico. The pilot and 3 passengers were fatally injured. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135 flight. On the morning of the accident, about 0748, the helicopter departed the Rotorcraft Leasing Company LLC base located at South Lafourche Leonard Miller Jr. Airport (GAO), Galliano, Louisiana, for a visual flight rules (VFR) passenger flight to the West Delta 106 (WD106) offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.15.23)

Aero Linx: Piper Flyer Association Mission Statement: To be THE go-to resource for Piper owners, pilots and aspiring pilots. To encourage, support and enhance our members' Piper experience by providing information, industry support, personal connections and camaraderie in print, online and in person. To provide our members with the resources to make their flying safe, fun and affordable. To provide the highest quality content to entertain, engage and enlighten. To share our reverence for the marvel of flight. To promote, support and protect General Aviation and the Piper Flyer lifestyle.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.15.23): Aeronautical Beacon

Aeronautical Beacon A visual NAVAID displaying flashes of white and/or colored light to indicate the location of an airport, a heliport, a landmark, a certain point of a Federal airway in mountainous terrain, or an obstruction.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.15.23)

“This is a critical year as Congress begins work on the next FAA reauthorization. ALPA will remain resolute in opposing any efforts to weaken the safest aviation system in the world, including any attempt to reduce the number of crewmembers on the flight deck. While money may talk in Washington, the safety of the flying public and our flight crews is not for sale.” Source: Incoming ALPA president Captain Jason Ambrosi, discussing the organization's vow to ensure at least two fully qualified, highly trained, and well-rested pilots remain perennial fixtures on all Part 121 flight-decks.

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