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May 04, 2022

Boeing Unveils First USAF T-7A Red Hawk

First Advanced Trainer Jet To Be Delivered To The U.S. Air Force

The first T-7A Red Hawk advanced trainer jet to be delivered to the US Air Force has been unveiled. The jet, one of 351 the U.S. Air Force plans to order, was unveiled prior to official delivery. The fully digitally designed aircraft was built and tested using advanced manufacturing, agile software development and digital engineering technology significantly reducing the time from design to first flight. The aircraft also features open architecture software, providing growth and flexibility to meet future mission needs.

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Rocket Lab Seeks To Reuse Boosters

Rocket Lab Catches And Releases Booster Rocket For Reuse

Yesterday, 02 May 2022, Rocket Lab, a space launch systems company, sent up its 26th Electron rocket, deployed 34 satellites into space, and caught a rocket booster after its reentry from space with a helicopter!  While that image of disbelief comes to mind, the author encourages you to check your favorite sites on the internet, though you won’t have to look hard to see how that actually worked out. This mission, named ‘There And Back Again’, popped up from Launch Complex 1 in New Zealand, another site is Launch Complex 2 in Virginia, USA.

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Airborne 04.27.22: Red Bull Failure, G109B Able, EAA Honors Corsair Flyer

Also: JetBlue Pilots Vote No, AUVSI Revamps Branding, Honeywell Tests Solution, FAA Downgrades Russia

Sunday's mid-air aircraft trade was partially successful over the weekend--but mostly an aviation embarrassment. Still; Luke Aikins and Andy Farrington say it's just a bump in the road on the way to success. The two Red Bull teammates had designed the first-of-its-kind stunt in which would see them put a pair of modified Cessna 182s into a dive at 14,000 feet, disembark, and enter each others' aircraft. Unfortunately, the stunt was not able to be performed successfully in its entirety, with only Aikins making his transition. Germany Will see the first

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Aero-TV At AUVSI 2022: AUVSI President & CEO Brian Wynne

AUVSI President & CEO Brian Wynne Shares His Perspective on The Industry

Brian Wynne, President & CEO of AUVSI stopped midway through Expo 2022 to chat with us, stating that “compared to 2021… this year we’re really grateful to be able to get back together, the energy level this year is so much higher, I’m not surprised, but what I am surprised by in some respects is we’ve got so many new companies in the industry, across the domains and we’re really seeing the really large economic interests that pull this technology into the marketplace.”

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Is Russia’s Answer To ISS 'Nyet' To Collaboration?

Russia May Quit International Space Station In Response to Sanctions

A few days ago, news broke that the head of Russia’s Space Agency, Dmitry Rogozin, threatened to withdraw Russian Support from the International Space Station (ISS) in response to sanctions that were meant to punish Russia for its president’s invasion of Ukraine. While it was rumored that Russian president, Vladimir Putin expected a swift and decisive takeover of Ukraine since hostilities began on 20th February 2022, the resolve of the Ukrainians has extended the hostilities into its third month, and the Russian president shows no sign of backing down.

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NATA Pleased by HR 3482 and HR 6270 Passage in House

Another Stakeholder Applauds Aeronautical Legislation

The National Air Transportation Association has also lended its voice to the chorus of aviation stakeholders happy with the passage of 2 pieces of legislation. The recently passed bills, if approved by the Senate, will aim to improve the rollout of the soon-to-be-ubiquitous Advanced Air Mobility ecosystem and bolster education in the vein of aviation workforce replenishment. The AAM bill will help to organize the spectrum of industry preparation, hopefully curtailing developmental waste and adding the framework needed to collaborate, innovate, and communicate between a variety of manufacturers and policy makers.

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Constant Aviation Expands AMT Apprentice Openings

Constant Has Increased Full-Time AMT Pay By 10% in 2022

Constant Aviation of Cleveland, Ohio has announced a series of changes hoped to entice additional students, workers, and apprentices into the AMT fold. The company offers a combined work and learning program that places apprentices alongside experienced aircraft technicians working the line, combining their work time with daily classroom lessons and lab courses. The method allows students to continue to earn an income while attending school and building their skill base in preparation to take the FAA Airframe Certification test. 

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Boeing Accepts Spirit AeroSystems for 737 Max MRO

First Agreement of its Kind for Boeing Will See Outside MRO Support for Large, High Value Parts

Boeing Global Services has completed an agreement with up and coming MRO provider Spirit AeroSystems to provide nacelle and flight control repairs for Max operators around the globe. The agreement leverages Spirit's extensive experience with the 737 Max as the type's original production manufacturer, having made the fuselage, thrust reversers, slats, and flaps. This new MRO agreement is new ground for Boeing as the first pooling program Boeing has offered for these expensive, expansive structural parts.

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Airborne-UnCrewed 04.26.22: XPO22 Is ON!, Tesla v Jet, Beta Raises $375M

Also: Vertical Proceeds, Natilus Expands, Rocket Lab Contract, Eve Partners with Thales

AUVSI’s long awaited XPONENTIAL 2022 is now in full swing... and the action is fierce. ANN’s Airborne-Uncrewed video news team is on site and cranking out stories and interviews as fast as we can. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Association for Uncrewed Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI) brings its world class annual conference, XPONENTIAL, to Orlando, this week. Surveillance footage making the rounds is making aviators and Tesla aficionados cringe this week as it shows a remotely summoned Tesla collide with a parked Vision jet at low speed. Th

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NTSB Prelim: Mooney M20E

Witness Saw The Airplane Taxi At A High Speed, And It Seemed To Be Out Of Control

On March 31, 2022, about 1100 central daylight time, a Mooney M20E airplane, N21BS, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Kerrville, Texas. The pilot sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. After a local flight, the airplane landed at the Kerrville Municipal Airport (EVR). A witness saw the airplane taxi at a high speed, and it seemed to be out of control. The witness saw the airplane taxi over a grass covered area and then onto the ramp.

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AD: Piper Aircraft, Inc. Airplanes

Requires Establishing A Life Limit For (Alternate Bolts That Attach The Drag Link To The Nose Gear) Bolts

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Piper) Model PA-34-200 airplanes. This AD was prompted by the determination that the life limit for alternate bolts that attach the drag link to the nose gear were not listed as airworthiness limitations. This AD requires establishing a life limit for these bolts. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products. This AD is effective May 31, 2022.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.04.22)

Aero Linx: Whirly-Girls International Whirly-Girls International is a nonprofit, educational and charitable organization dedicated to advancing women in helicopter aviation. The organization’s goals include the following: Promotion of women in the helicopter industry through scholarship awards, mentoring, public appearances, press releases, magazine articles and informational displays in aviation museums Exchange of information among women in helicopter aviation Promotion of community acceptance of rotorcraft through increasing public awareness of rotorcraft utility and versatility

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.04.22): Radar Contact Lost

Radar Contact Lost

Used by ATC to inform a pilot that the surveillance data used to determine the aircraft’s position is no longer being received, or is no longer reliable and radar service is no longer being provided. The loss may be attributed to several factors including the aircraft merging with weather or ground clutter, the aircraft operating below radar line of sight coverage, the aircraft entering an area of poor radar return, failure of the aircraft’s equipment, or failure of the surveillance equipment.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.04.22)

“The Tuskegee Airmen are one of the most celebrated units in our Air Force history, and the T-7A honors the bravery and skill of these trailblazers. Like the Airmen they were named and painted to pay homage to, the T-7A Red Hawks break down the barriers of flight. These digitally-engineered aircraft will make it possible for a diverse cross section of future fighter and bomber pilots to be trained, and provide an advanced training system and capabilities that will meet the demands of today’s and tomorrow’s national security environment.” Source: Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., Chief of Staff of the Air Force, explaining why the T-7A Red Hawk incorporates a red-tailed livery in honor of the Tuskegee Airmen of World

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