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May 24, 2022

Bombardier One-Ups Bizjet Game With Speedy Global 8000

Test Aircraft Repeatably Achieved Speeds In Excess Of Mach 1.015

Bombardier has unveiled the newest member of its business jet portfolio with the introduction of the Global 8000 aircraft, reportedly designed to be the world’s fastest and longest-range purpose-built business jet. With a range of 8,000 nautical miles and a top speed of Mach 0.94, the Global 8000 aircraft promises much. “Today, Bombardier solidifies once more its position as the leader in business aviation with the newest member of the industry-leading Global family,” said Éric Martel, Bombardier’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “The Global 8000 aircraft leverages the outstanding attributes of the Global 7500 aircraft, providing our custom

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Gogo Goes Global

Launches LEO Global Broadband Service Featuring Small Antenna and One AVANCE LRU

Gogo Business Aviation will launch the first global broadband service in business aviation to use an electronically steered antenna (ESA) on a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite network. Gogo’s exclusive antenna assembly, designed in conjunction with Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Hughes), will be small enough for installation on the fuselage of business aircraft from super light jets and large turboprops to ultralong-range jets, and will operate on OneWeb’s high-speed, low-latency broadband global network.

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Seaplane Owner v HOA Without A Clue Draws Interest On REDDIT

Super Cub Owner's Property IS NOT Within The Control Of The HOA

A seaplane owner has incurred the wrath of a local homeowner’s association which claims his attempts to safeguard public safety violate its bylaws. The viral Reddit post recounting the dustup has been up-voted nearly ten-thousand times. The post, titled “AITA (Am I The Ass**le) for ignoring my neighbors and their HOA group?” was uploaded by @Infinite-Badger1632, a seaplane-rated private pilot who operates a Piper Super Cub on floats from the vicinity of his lakeshore cottage.

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Airborne 05.16.22: Enstrom Bought-Again, Republic v FAA, NTSB Blames FAA

Also: FAA Funds Airport Improvements, WAI Membership Changes, USCG On Launches, United Airlines

Chuck Surack, founder of Surack Enterprises, has announced that he has purchased The Enstrom Helicopter Corporation of Menominee, Michigan, to rebuild the Enstrom brand into one of the leading American-made helicopter manufacturers as it once was. In a letter to the Enstrom leadership team, Surack shared his appreciation to the employees for their devotion and dedication over the years and particularly during the last few difficult months. For some time, Republic Airways has enjoyed a not so favorable opinion in the “Low Time” flying community du

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Frontier Airlines Gains Pipeline To UND

Frontier Airlines Taps University of North Dakota To Supply Pilots

Frontier Airlines has established an agreement with the University of North Dakota (UND) to supply its pilot pipeline. As part of the agreement, UNDs aviation students can interview for a job with Frontier prior to graduation and, train with Frontier, return to UND to provide advanced instruction, then proceed with their career progression with Frontier Airlines.

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Aero-TV At SnF2022: Titan Aircraft Shows off Scaled T-51

Titan Aircraft’s T-51 “Rooster” 75% Scale, 100% Fun

Mr. Len Bechtold, Titan T-51 Builder and Driver shared some details with us regarding the “ROOSTER” (FF-582) on display at Sun n Fun 2022. He began by stating that Titan Aircraft manufactures the kits for these aircraft, three quarter scale Mustangs. They are two-seaters with a variety of engine options, such as Rotax, up to this engine; this airplane has a Chevy LS3 V-8. There's a current engine of choice for each airplane. He further stated that, “It's an all-metal airplane that comes as a kit that’s highly fabricated. Many of the diffi

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Bombardier Introduces Flagship Global 8000

New Halo Model Set to Top Company Range Of High-Endurance, High-Performance Business Jets

Bombardier has announced its most advanced long-range business jet yet, with the announcement of their new Global 8000. The Global includes a series of new, next-generation designs and technology that allow a top speed of Mach 0.94 and 8,000-nautical mile range. Armed with next-gen GE Aviation Passport engines, smooth flex wing, and 4 cabin zones, the Global 8000 takes the Bombardier lineup to new heights. Better news for owners of the Global 7500, a few of the goodies from the new aircraft are available for retrofitment.

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NAA Honors Largest Skydive & Canopy Records

NAA Honors Largest Heads-Up Skydive And Night Canopy World Records

Earlier this month, following a two-year COVID-induced absence, the National Aeronautic Association (NAA), official record keeper for U.S. Aviation, out of a pool of 234 records, honored two very memorable record-setting events: the largest head-up formation (HUF) skydive and the largest canopy formation at night (CFN). On the international level, Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) recognized and ratified these and other records.

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Airborne 05.16.22: Enstrom Bought-Again, Republic v FAA, NTSB Blames FAA

Also: FAA Funds Airport Improvements, WAI Membership Changes, USCG On Launches, United Airlines

Chuck Surack, founder of Surack Enterprises, has announced that he has purchased The Enstrom Helicopter Corporation of Menominee, Michigan, to rebuild the Enstrom brand into one of the leading American-made helicopter manufacturers as it once was. In a letter to the Enstrom leadership team, Surack shared his appreciation to the employees for their devotion and dedication over the years and particularly during the last few difficult months. For some time, Republic Airways has enjoyed a not so favorable opinion in the “Low Time” flying community du

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CAE Announces Dassault Falcon 6x Full-Flight SIM

CAE Launches First Dassault Falcon 6X Full-Flight Simulator

Canadian Aviation Electronics (CAE) Inc announced at the European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE) 2022 that it will be launching the first ever Full-Flight Simulator (FFS) for the Dassault Falcon 6X aircraft at its Burgess Hill training center in the United Kingdom. For many years, CAE has been the exclusive training provider for the 6X, and sees this deployment as the next evolutionary step in its suite of service offerings.

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Indian Airline Pilots Shut Down Engine(s) Enroute

Airbus And Boeing Pilots Spice Things Up By Turning Off Engine In Flight

In an interesting “turning off” of events, word on the airwaves is that in the past two months alone, there have been at least three but possibly more incidents of “commanded in-flight shutdowns” aboard SpiceJet Airlines while enroute to their destinations. A commonality is the fact that apparently all incidents involved engines made by CFM International, a 50-50 partnership between France’s Safran Aircraft Engines and America’s General Electric (GE) Aviation.

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NTSB Prelim: Superior Culver LFA

About 150 Ft Above The Ground, The Engine Started To Run Rough

On April 28, 2022, about 1040 central daylight time, a Superior Culver LFA, N37888, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident at the Syracuse-Hamilton County Municipal Airport (3K3), Syracuse, Kansas. The pilot was seriously injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Witnesses reported that they observed the airplane takeoff; about 150 ft above the ground, the engine started to run rough.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.24.22)

Aero Linx: International Federation Of Airworthiness We aim to be the most internationally respected independent authority on the subject of Airworthiness. IFA uniquely combines together all those with responsibility for policies, principles and practices concerned with the continuing airworthiness of civil transport aircraft throughout the world. IFA’s mission is to contribute to the debate and formation of policies, which affect the Airworthiness of civil aircraft worldwide, and to influence Regulators, Airlines, Maintenance Organisations and Governments to constantly improve aviation safety. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.24.22): Compulsory Reporting Points

Compulsory Reporting Points Reporting points which must be reported to ATC. They are designated on aeronautical charts by solid triangles or filed in a flight plan as fixes selected to define direct routes. These points are geographical locations which are defined by navigation aids/fixes. Pilots should discontinue position reporting over compulsory reporting points when informed by ATC that their aircraft is in “radar contact.”

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.24.22)

“This will be a fast and affordable broadband system that will provide best-in-class global performance on the broadest range of aircraft in business aviation. We want to give everyone in business aviation the ability to have an exceptional broadband experience regardless of where they fly, or what size aircraft they fly.” Source: Sergio Aguirre, Gogo Business Aviation’s president and chief operating officer, in comments debuting the the first global broadband service in business aviation to use an electronically steered antenna (ESA) on a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite network.

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