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May 15, 2022

One More Time! Enstrom Helicopter REALLY Is Under New Ownership... Again

Earlier Purchase Announcement Did Not Get Completed

Chuck Surack, founder of Surack Enterprises, has announced that he has purchased The Enstrom Helicopter Corporation of Menominee, Michigan, to rebuild the Enstrom brand into one of the leading American-made helicopter manufacturers as it once was. In a letter to the Enstrom leadership team, Surack shared his appreciation to the employees for their devotion and dedication over the years and particularly during the last few difficult months.

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New Location/Format for Oshkosh Pilot Proficiency Center

“This New Location Offers Pilots Expanded Opportunities..."

The popular Pilot Proficiency Center programs during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, where pilots can improve their decision-making and flying skills, will be one of the first major events in the new Pilot Proficiency Center located adjacent to the EAA Aviation Museum. The programs, which are free of charge, had previously been located in a tent pavilion on the Four Corners on the AirVenture grounds.

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Airborne 05.06.22: Stratolaunch Flies Again!, MayDay STOL, AA v Pilots

Also: Rocket Lab Reuses, Balloon Festival at Lakeland, Norman Mineta Goes West, New KBOS Approach

Stratolaunch successfully completed its fifth flight test of Roc, the world’s largest flying aircraft. The aircraft flew for 4 hours and 58 minutes over the Mojave Desert and reached an altitude of 22,500 feet. The fifth flight debuted a new pylon on the aircraft’s center wing that will be used to carry and release Talon-A hypersonic vehicles. The hardware is comprised of a mini-wing and adapter that is constructed with aluminum and carbon fiber skins. It weighs approximately 8,000 pounds and occupies 14 feet of Roc’s 95-foot center wings

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Artemis 1 Will Still Require Some Work Prior To A Launch Attempt

Engineers Found A Damaged Rubber O-Ring Seal In The Flight Side Of The Quick Disconnect

Teams at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida continue to work on the main tasks needed to prepare the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft to return to launch pad 39B for the next wet dress rehearsal attempt. After re-tightening the flange bolts on the tail service mast umbilical lines to address a hydrogen leak identified during the previous wet dress rehearsal, engineers determined the seals on the bolts are no longer relaxing, and the system should remain tightly sealed during propellant loading.

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Textron Bags Int'l Order For Three Citation Jets

Will Operate In Support Of The Government Of Turkey Flight Inspection Missions

Textron has received an order from Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAS) for one special mission Cessna Citation Longitude and two special mission Cessna Citation Latitude jets. The aircraft will be fitted with special flight inspection calibration equipment and used by the DHMI (General Directorate of State Airports Authority) in Turkey to inspect regional airport navigation aids.

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ALPA Pushes For More Pilots, More Diversity

Outlines Measures to Foster an Accessible, Diverse, and Inclusive Pilot Workforce

Testifying Friday before the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation’s Aviation Safety Subcommittee, the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) outlined a plan to reduce the costs of becoming an airline pilot and create a more diverse and inclusive air transportation workforce while ensuring that the United States continues to stand as the unquestioned global leader in aviation safety.

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Klyde Morris (05.13.22)

A Classic Klyde Morris Toon From 10.16.17


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FBO Consolidation Continues At Rapid Pace... Modern Av takes On 3 MOre

Acquires Superior Aviation Company's Three Sacramento, CA FBOs

Modern Aviation has agreed to acquire Superior Aviation Company's three Sacramento, CA FBO operations from Sacramento International Jet Center Incorporated (operating as Capitol Jet Center) at Sacramento International Airport, Mather Jet Center, Inc. (operating as Mather Jet Center) at Mather Airport, and Patterson Aviation Company (operating as Executive Jet Center) at Sacramento Executive Airport.

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Southwest Airlines Chooses Viasat

Viasat Wins High-Speed In-Flight Connectivity Gig With SWA

Viasat has confirmed a deal with Southwest Airlines -- which selected the Company's Ka-band satellite in-flight connectivity (IFC) system to be factory-installed on all new aircraft deliveries, starting this fall. By selecting Viasat, Southwest Airlines will provide customers internet capabilities while onboard, including the ability to stream content and entertainment, watch live television, and access social media platforms and productivity applications on any internet-ready device, gate-to-gate. Streaming-capable Wi-Fi requires a robust data connection — especially to deliver high quality service on all connected devices while in-flight, regardless of how many passengers are using

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Classic Aero-TV: Illuminating The Night - AirVenture 2015 Night Air Show

From 2015 (YouTube Version): One Of The True Hits Of The Oshkosh Experience, The Annual Night Airshows Are NOT To Be Missed!

Watching a fireworks display on a clear dark night can be inspiring and exciting, but until you’ve seen the sky lit up with a nighttime Aerobatics display, you just don’t know what a fireworks show is really like. Nighttime aerobatic performances are becoming more popular as time goes on, but the king of then all has to be at EAA AirVenture, and this video gives us the highlights (literally) from the 2015 nightti

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 340

The Airplane Made A “Hard Right” Banking Turn, Started To Spiral Downward

On April 21, 2022, about 1844, eastern daylight time, a Cessna 340, N84GR was destroyed when it was involved in an accident in Covington, Georgia. The private pilot and student pilot were fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to the partner of the student pilot, both the student pilot and private pilot flew to Lubbock, Texas on a commercial airline the day prior to the accident to pick up the accident airplane.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.15.22)

Aero Linx: The Canadian Business Aviation Association (CBAA) The Canadian Business Aviation Association (CBAA) is a non-profit association formed in 1961 as Canada's voice for business aviation. Since its inception, CBAA has assumed an increasing role in its advocacy for Canadian business aviation interests. With a membership of approximately 400 companies and organizations, including operators, management companies an suppliers, CBAA represents the entire business aviation community with a unified and collective voice.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.15.22): Charted Visual Flight Procedure Approach

Charted Visual Flight Procedure Approach An approach conducted while operating on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which authorizes the pilot of an aircraft to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport via visual landmarks and other information depicted on a charted visual flight procedure. This approach must be authorized and under the control of the appropriate air traffic control facility. Weather minimums required are depicted on the chart.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.15.22)

“Thanks to the Payroll Support Program and its strong worker protections, the United States has enough pilots today to meet demand—in fact, more than 1.5 pilots for every job. But today’s supply of pilots doesn’t mean that we don’t need to do all we can to build a strong pilot workforce for the future. ALPA has a plan to break down those barriers, create opportunity, and build a strong pipeline of qualified aviators, while protecting the high level of safety in the U.S. air transportation system. Some argue that we must lower standards to open the doors of opportunity—we flatly reject that.” Source: First Officer Paul Ryder, secretary for ALPA’s United Airlines pilot group, commenting on test

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