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May 13, 2022

Airborne 05.13.22: FAA v Red Bull!, Spontaneous Pilot, eVTOL Certification

Also: Honor Flight 250,000th, USMC Aviation Plan, United's Green Fuel, Oshkosh 2022!
That incredibly foolish Red Bull Skydive-and-switch-planes-in-midair stunt that went so bad last month has  resulted in both pilot/skydivers losing their certificates. Luke Aikins and Andy Farrington received nationwide attention for the poorly planned and executed stunt. The result is this... both of them have to surrender their tickets immediately and Aikins is facing an additional financial penalty in the form of a nearly $5000 fine. An individual with allegedly no prior flying experience had a chance to live many a pilot’s dream/nightmare, by landing a small airplane after the pilot became incapacitated. The Cessna 208 Caravan, a fixed-gear single-engine t

U.S. Marine Corps Has An Aviation Plan

U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Has A Plan For Aviation ‘Force Design 2030’

In a 200+ page document, the USMC’s Deputy Commandant for Aviation, Lt Gen Mark R. Wise outlined what they deemed an aggressive plan to evolve the USMC’s aviation division to play a key role in the force’s future. The ‘Force Design 2030’ is a roadmap they hope will help them transition the USMC into “a more agile expeditionary force.” The doctrine serves as a foundation to describe the forward-looking desired capabilities and concepts that will continue to provide a “warfighting advantage.”

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Honor Flight Nets 250,000th Veteran

Milestone Achievement: 250,000 Veterans’ Service To Nation Recognized Thanks to Honor Flight Network

Earlier this month, Honor Flight Network (HFN) achieved a milestone since the history of its operation by flying its 250,000th veteran to our nation’s capital in Washington D.C. to visit the memorials and monuments dedicated to honoring their service and sacrifice. The ‘Network’ was formed in 2005 to transport our veterans, originally those from World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, and other operations, including, in special cases, veterans with terminal illness/injury, and later the veterans from recent service engagements.

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NTSB Points Finger At FAA On ‘Copter Crash

NTSB Alleges FAA Could Have Prevented Tour Helicopter Crash

Earlier this week, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) alleged that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was negligent in preventing the fatal crash of an Air Tour Helicopter in 2019. On 26 December 2019, an Airbus AS350 B2 helicopter that was being used for Air Tours by Safari Aviation crashed in Kekaha, Hawaii, killing the pilot and all six passengers after possibly entering instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).

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Aero-TV: The B29 SuperFortress ‘Doc’ - History in Flight

Carrying the Legacy of The B-29 For Generations to Come

We had a chance to chat with the Executive Director of B-29 Doc, Josh Wells, during their stop at Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight in Centennial, Colorado. He stated that their mission is to tell the stories of the greatest generation, to make sure their legacy carries on for generations to come. It involves letting people “get up close and personal with the B-29, see it, feel it, hug it, crawl through it, make sure that they understand what it may have been like for our men and women, wartime heroes, to have served in these airplanes. Also, to tell the stor

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Airborne-Flight Training 05.05.22: FAA Grants, Sportys SP Course, Rising Av. HS

Also: Van Nuys Career Day, Constant Aviation, JetBlue-Spirit, First USAF T-7A Red Hawk

To invest in and build a future workforce in aviation, the FAA is providing two grants to academia and the aviation community to inspire, recruit, and prepare a diverse, inclusive pool of pilots and maintenance technicians. These grants, total $10 million and are authorized through fiscal year 2023. Sporty's continues to go through and revise their online courses, this time allowing future LSA pilots to learn the ropes and save money on ground time for their Sport Pilot License. Like the other courses in recent months, Sporty's has updated things with new video, hand

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Republic Airways Seeks Approval For SIC Ops

Republic Airways Seeks Exemption Conduct R-ATP SIC Operations

For some time, Republic Airways has enjoyed a not so favorable opinion in the “Low Time” flying community due to reports of it allegedly engaging in second-in-command (SIC) operations on its single-pilot fleet, and those SIC’s later discovering that their ‘logged time’ is invalid and cannot be applied to flight experience for their Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) rating.

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WAI Says Yes To Junior Members

Women In Aviation International (WAI) Adds Junior Membership To Attract Youth

Women In Aviation International (WAI) announced some changes to its membership classification, to simplify for existing members and encourage youth under 18 years of age to join. Molly Martin, Director of Member Engagement at WAI sees these changes as pivotal to expanding their membership and global reach.

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Oshkosh To Boast Massive Military Presence For 2022

Many Are Arriving To Celebrate The 75th Anniversary Of The Air Force

A long list of current military aircraft are among the early commitments to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022, including many arriving to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force this year. The 69th edition of EAA’s fly-in convention is July 25-31 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. “Displays and aerial performances of current military aircraft are always among the most popular parts of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each year, for aviation enthusiasts and the public,” said Rick Larsen, EAA’s vice president of communities and member programs, who coordinates AirVenture features and attractions.

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Klyde Morris (05.09.22)

A Classic Klyde From 10.18.18


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CAE Builds Training Ctr In Gulfstream's Shadow

CAE To Build Training Facility for Gulfstream Aircraft in Georgia

CAE Inc (formerly Canadian Aviation Electronics), a manufacturer of simulation and modeling technologies, as well as training services for aviation, healthcare are defense customers announced today that it will be constructing a business aviation training center in Savannah, Georgia. The new facility, which will be their fifth in the USA, is in proximity to Gulfstream’s headquarters in Georgia, and appears to show their confidence in future opportunities and business growth alongside Gulfstream.

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Inbound Internationally? Execs Say No To Testing

U.S. Airlines & Industry Executives Push To Terminate COVID Testing For Inbound International Travelers

While domestic travel has been climbing at feverish levels, particularly since the mask mandate was lifted, US airlines and other industry groups with an interest in business stemming from international travel are pushing to have the COVID-19 pre-departure testing dropped.

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NTSB Prelim: Henry L Berrier Jr Arion Lightning LS-1

The Airplane Experienced A Partial Loss Of Engine Power Several Seconds Later At 70 Knots

On April 7, 2022, about 1310 eastern daylight time, an experimental, amateur-built Arion Lightning LS-1, N6688S, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Mountain City, Tennessee. The commercial pilot sustained serious injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot stated that prior to flight, the airplane was completely fueled, and he performed a preflight inspection with no anomalies noted.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.13.22)

Aero Linx: The Malibu M-Class Owners & Pilots Association (MMOPA) The Malibu M-Class Owners & Pilots Association (MMOPA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the interests and safety of owners and pilots worldwide who fly PA46 derivative (Malibu, Mirage, Meridian, M-Class, JetPROP and Matrix) aircraft. MMOPA was founded in 1988, and now serves over 1000 members. Membership is available to any registered or prospective owner and/or operator of qualified aircraft or any qualifying individual or organization involved with or providing a service for the PA46 family of aircraft. MMOPA is not affiliated with the New Piper aircraft company of any other manufacturer/vendor.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.13.22): Outer Fix

Outer Fix A general term used within ATC to describe fixes in the terminal area, other than the final approach fix. Aircraft are normally cleared to these fixes by an Air Route Traffic Control Center or an Approach Control Facility. Aircraft are normally cleared from these fixes to the final approach fix or final approach course.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.13.22)

“The Superfortress was a technological marvel; it was the first all-electric aircraft, the first pressurized high-altitude bomber able to carry a lot of payload, and most importantly reach the mainland of Japan.” Source: A little background from the Executive Director of the B-29 Doc program, Josh Wells, during their stop at Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight in Centennial, Colorado.

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