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May 01, 2022

Gov Watchdog Publicizes Internal A-10 Thunderbolt Briefing

Another Decade, Another Underfunded CAS Asset

An 8-page internal briefing paints a bleak picture for the current A-10 Thunderbolt fleet, saying that the aircraft "lives in the shadow of 2015 divestiture decisions", and fixes to get the plane back on track "will take a decade or more to reverse." Pamela Lee, A-10 systems manager at Hill AFB in Salt Lake City, Utah, briefed a group on the issue in March, before her presentation was publicized by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO).

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Airborne 04.22.22: YouTube Aero-Idiot, Red Bull Plane Swap, Mask Mandate

Also: Airline Cuts, VoloCity Test Flight, Flight 3407 Family Condemnation, Embraer Expands

Youtuber and adrenaline chaser Trevor Jacob has had his private pilot certificate revoked, according to recent reports. Journalists contacted him to confirm a letter sent to him from the FAA that demanded he surrender his PPL or face civil penalties. In his email contact with the soon-to-be former pilot, Times reporter Eduardo Medina describes Jacob as seemingly unaware of the letter, asking where they had learned of the rescission. Long time boundary-pusher and skydiver Luke Aikins and Andy Farrington, members of the Red Bull Air Force crew, will attempt to exch

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Kea Aerospace ‘Atmos’ And SKYTRAC Stay Connected Via BVLOS

Kea Aerospace To Use Atmos With SKYTRAC’s Iridium Certus For Operation Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS)

Kea Aerospace’s ‘Atmos’, a solar-powered remotely piloted aircraft designed for continuous high-altitude flight in the stratosphere, will now have improved connectivity and control communications when paired with the SKYTRAC Iridium Certus service, particularly when operating beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS). The Atmos typically cruises at approximately 65,000ft for several months carrying project payloads and, with the SKYTRAC DLS-100 onboard, it is expected to transfer data and pictures in near-real-time. They anticipate uplink and downlink of 22Kbps or 88Kbps respec

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Mars Helo Receives Aerial Survey Job

Ingenuity Tasked with Photo Mission Over Perseverance Rover Reentry Equipment

NASA's Ingenuity Helicopter has completed yet another surprising mission, this time surveying the remains of the Perseverance Rover's jettisoned armor on the Martian surface. Ingenuity was tasked with the survey job by the Mars Sample Return program, curious about the status of the rover's conical backshell that was detached during its decent from orbit in February of 2021. The end result granted the program with 10 aerial images - color, no less - taken during Flight 26.

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FAA 2022 Aviation Workforce Grant For Pilots & Technicians

2022 FAA Aviation Workforce Development Grant (For Pilots and Technicians) Now Accepting Applications  To invest in and build a future workforce in aviation, the FAA is providing two grants to academia and the aviation community to inspire, recruit, and prepare a diverse, inclusive pool of pilots and maintenance technicians. These grants, total $10 million and are authorized through fiscal year 2023. The Aircraft Pilots Workforce Development Grants is geared to educating pilots, aerospace engineers or uncrewed aircraft systems operators, and the Aviation Maintenance Technical Workers Workforce Development Grants for aviation maintenan

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Helicentre & Bristow to Hold UK Career Days

Bristow Offering Training Flights, Tours to Prospective Hires

Helicentre Aviation has announced an upcoming group of career days amid their expansion efforts, opening up employment opportunities for future aviators and existing pilots. UK operator Helicentre is accepting applications for its partner, Bristow Helicopters, who are looking to expand their roster of qualified rotary pilots. The career days will be held on May 15th through the 17th, at Leicester Airport. Senior Bristow staff will be on hand to answer questions and address any concerns of applicants, as well as give them a peek behind the curtain to see if the company aligns with applicant's circumstances. 

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Preliminary Report on Zero Avia Testbed Announced

Air Accidents Investigators Expect Final Word On Hydrogen Demonstrator Later This Year

Zero Avia's Hydrogen test bed crash of 2021 has been somewhat updated as the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch has announced the completion of its interim report on the incident. Until recently, details remained somewhat elusive, with the Branch only mentioning that the plane, a hybrid aircraft powered by electric motors and hydrogen fuel cells, had lost power to the electrical motors. Prior to the loss, as was now disclosed, the test regimen required the battery power to be shut off, leaving the electric motors powered solely by the hydrogen fuel cell.

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Classic Aero-TV: Penn Manor High School -- TARC 2010 National Champion

From 2010 (YouTube Version): The US Champs Have Become The World's Champs!

One of the most rewarding events ANN and Aero-TV have participated in over the last year was AIA's extraordinary Team America Rocketry Challenge. Fun, inspiring, challenging... all these words do little to impart the amazing event that we witnessed and shot over the course of a few days... and we can't wait to do it again. However; one of the truly great 'bennies' of this event was meeting

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Lufthansa Systems Releases Lido mPilot 6.1

Lufthansa Systems Releases Updated Charting Solution Lido mPilot 6.1 For iPADs

On 26th April 2022, Lufthansa Systems announced that the newly updated Lido mPilot 6.1 for iPADs is now available in the App Store. The Lido mPilot solution is specifically designed with and for pilots to improve usability, visibility, workflow process, situational awareness and, equally important, efficiency in data downloads. The new version of the app was tested by pilots of KLM Roya Dutch Airlines who stated that the single procedure selection feature for takeoff and landing by runway and type was a significant improvement that has saved them ‘flight setup’ time.

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NTSB Prelim: Beech 200

Passengers Heard A “Loud Bang” Under The Floor Panels

On March 6, 2022, about 2130 central standard time, a Beech 200 airplane, N8170J, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident at Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport (GPT), Gulfport, Mississippi. The pilot and four passengers were not injured. The flight was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 business flight. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspectors, the airplane was on approach to Stennis International Airport (HAS), Bay St Louis, Mississippi, when the pilot attempted to extend the landing gear.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.01.22)

Aero Linx: International Aviation Services Organization (IASO) International Aviation Services Organization (IASO) is a non-profit organization, aviation services Industry Leader and forum for consultation on industry issues for all aviation services companies worldwide. The organization registered in Sweden and Montreal, Canada with its HQ in Geneva - Switzerland . There are two sub-organizations that fall under the umbrella of IASO – IFSO (International Fuel Services Organization) and IHAO (International Handling Aviation Organization).

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.01.22): Fuel Remaining

Fuel Remaining A phrase used by either pilots or controllers when relating to the fuel remaining on board until actual fuel exhaustion. When transmitting such information in response to either a controller question or pilot initiated cautionary advisory to air traffic control, pilots will state the APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF MINUTES the flight can continue with the fuel remaining. All reserve fuel SHOULD BE INCLUDED in the time stated, as should an allowance for established fuel gauge system error.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.01.22)

"...served to accelerate the fleet's deterioration, helping Air Force leaders make their case that the A-10 should be retired because of its poor condition. In an Ironic twist, USAF leaders actually made the case for continued relevance by showing how effectively it operated in Syria..." Source: An excerpt from an 8-page internal briefing paints a bleak picture for the current A-10 Thunderbolt fleet, saying that the aircraft 'lives in the shadow of 2015 divestiture decisions,' and fixes to get the plane back on track 'will take a decade or more to reverse.' 

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