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October 31, 2022

Airborne 10.31.22: EA-18-Life After MidAir, Skydiving Champs, Starlink Bill

Also: Blue Origin, Little Green People?, SWA Short on Boeings, Alaska's 737 MAX Buy
The US Tax payer just got their monies' worth... the hard way. An EA-18G Growler attached to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, successfully completed a functional check flight at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, Oct. 17, marking the end of a complex transformation process for an aircraft thought to be beyond repair. Skydiving is viewed as a thrilling hobby and an exciting sport to watch... but few understand that there is an aggressively competitive series of programs allowing those with exceptional skydiving and parachuting skills to excel... and to compete with other like-minded athletes from all over the world. Since March 2022, SpaceX has provided Starlink

Recycling The Hard Way... EA-18 Returned To Service After MidAir

Five Years After a Mid-Air Collision, RTS Check Flight Completed

The US Tax payer just got their monies' worth... the hard way. An EA-18G Growler attached to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, successfully completed a functional check flight at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, Oct. 17, marking the end of a complex transformation process for an aircraft thought to be beyond repair. This five-year effort demonstrates large-scale teamwork between multiple organizations over an extended timeline.

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US Skydiving Athletes Excel at World Championships

The US Team Showed Strong Performances Across Every Discipline

Skydiving is viewed as a thrilling hobby and an exciting sport to watch... but few understand that there is an aggressively competitive series of programs allowing those with exceptional skydiving and parachuting skills to excel... and to compete with other like-minded athletes from all over the world. On Wednesday, October 26, after weeks of fierce but friendly competition between skydivers from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Guatemala, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Qatar, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA, the 2022 Fédération Aéronautique Internatio

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As If New York Wasn't Cold Enough... NYANG Flies Into The Antarctic

NY Guard’s 109th Airlift Wing Supports Seriously Cool Research

The New York Air National Guard’s 109th Airlift Wing launched the first of five LC-130 “Skibird” Hercules to Antarctica Oct. 19 to support National Science Foundation research. The LC-130 version of the C-130 Hercules is the largest aircraft in the world able to land on snow and ice on skis. The aircraft are equipped with eight-bladed propellers for the turboprop engines to provide additional power. Throughout the four-month support season, 420 Airmen will deploy for the mission.

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China CommAir Fleets To Double In Two Decades?

Boeing Forecasts China Will Require Nearly 8,500 Passenger And Freighter Jets Through 2041

Boeing is promoting its 2022 Commercial Market Outlook (CMO) for China, forecasting that the country’s growing economy will see its commercial airplane fleet more than double over the next 20 years. Despite the impact of the pandemic on China’s near-term growth, Boeing predicts that demand for air travel and air freight will continue to trend upwards through 2041, with the country’s commercial fleet growing from around 3,900 airplanes to more than 9,600 through 2041.

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Spirit's ALPA Contingent Calls Out Issues At Airline

Ongoing Staffing Challenges Reportedly Limiting Full Fleet Utilization

Spirit Airlines announced their third-quarter financial results with a follow-up earnings call last week. Spirit posted a slight adjusted pretax loss, citing the impact of Hurricane Ian and higher fuel cost, but recognized a 35.4 percent increase in revenue from Q3 2019 and 13.5 percent capacity increase in the same period. Spirit continues to take on new aircraft and expects an additional 33 aircraft deliveries in 2023.

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Classic Aero-TV: The RV-12iS Evolves - More Than An Engine Upgrade

From 2017 (YouTube Version): Airplane Upgraded With 912iS Engine And More

Van's Aircraft has made several upgrades to its popular RV 12 model, starting forward of the firewall and continuing through much of the airplane. The most obvious of the changes is the installation of the Rotax 912iS engine. The new engine produces more torque which improves the climb rate and cruise. But Rian Johnson, Chief Engineer for Van's Aircraft, told ANN editor Tom Patton that the company has been listening to its customers for the past eight years, and put together a list of upgrades to make a better airplane.

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NTSB Prelim: Cirrus Design Corp SR22

Attempted To Execute A Go-Around But When The Throttle Was Increased, The Engine Did Not Respond

On October 23, 2022, about 1705 mountain daylight time, a Cirrus SR-22 airplane, N25HW, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Loveland, Colorado. The pilot and 4 passengers were not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) data revealed the flight departed St. George Regional Airport (SGU), St. George, Utah, about 1405, and arrived at Northern Colorado Regional Airport (FNL), Loveland, Colorado.

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AD: Vulcanair S.p.A. Airplanes

AD 2022-20-10 Identifies The Unsafe Condition As Corrosion Causing Failure Of The Upper Rudder Hinge

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Vulcanair S.p.A. Model P.68, P.68B, P.68C, P.68C-TC, P.68 “Observer,” P.68TC “Observer,” P.68 “Observer 2,” and P.68R airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI identifies the unsafe condition as corrosion causing failure of the upper rudder hinge. This AD requires repetitively inspecting the upper and lower rudder hinges for corrosion, cracking, and damage, and depending on the

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.31.22)

Aero Linx: The Cub Club The Cub Club is an organization of aviation enthusiasts interested in preserving and promoting the restoration, maintenance and flying of the long-wing fabric Piper Cubs. The Cub models include the E2, J2, J3, J4, J5, L4, HE-1, PA-11, PA-12, PA-14 and PA-18. The Cub Club believes in preserving these strong and simple airplanes that are fun to own and fly.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.31.22): IFR Military Training Routes (IR)

IFR Military Training Routes (IR) Routes used by the Department of Defense and associated Reserve and Air Guard units for the purpose of conducting low-altitude navigation and tactical training in both IFR and VFR weather conditions below 10,000 feet MSL at airspeeds in excess of 250 knots IAS.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.31.22)

“This was a team effort by personnel from Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) Southeast, FRC Southwest Engineering and my team from FRC Northwest. We reassembled the aircraft by replacing all major components and turned the aircraft back over to VAQ-129 as a ‘special rework’ complete on April 24, 2022.” Source: Tommy Moore, depot lead for FRC Northwest, describing how an EA-18G Growler attached to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, successfully completed a functional check flight at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, Oct. 17, marking the end of a complex transformation process for an aircraft thought to be beyond repair.

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