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October 03, 2022

Airborne 10.03.22: CV-22 Rescued, Lilium eVTOL Transitions, ATP Increases

Also: Subaru Bell 412EPX Helis, China Airlines 787 Order, FedEx Pilots, NAA Honors Cheryl Stearns
On 12 August 2022, a hard clutch engagement forced an AFSOC (U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command) CV-22 Osprey crew to make an emergency landing in a nature preserve on the Norwegian island of Senja. Onsite repairs to the downed aircraft were deemed impossible, and Norwegian authorities—citing the delicacy of the Stongodden nature preserve’s bucolic terrain—balked at the notion of a conventional salvage operation. Lilium has announced that its Phoenix II eVTOL technology demonstrator aircraft achieved its first full transition from vertical, thrust-powered flight to horizontal, wing-borne, aerodynamic flight. This was accomplished dur

First Flight: Electra

'Dawn One' Flies As Part of Solar-Electric Hybrid Research Aircraft Program has completed the first flight of a solar-battery hybrid electric research aircraft. This 90-foot wingspan unmanned aircraft system (UAS) made its first flight from Manassas Regional Airport, Virginia on September 9, 2022, and is the first airplane to emerge from Electra's new development facility there. The new plane, named Dawn One, is part of the Stratospheric Airborne Climate Observatory System (SACOS) program.

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EXTRA Aircraft Establishes US Operations

The USA Facility Will Be Operational In Late 2022

Extra Aerobatic Airplanes Founder and CEO Walter Extra has confirmed the establishment of Extra Aircraft USA LP based at the DeLand Airport (KDED), to be based in DeLand, Florida. Extra USA was conceived of to provide factory authorized support for spares and maintenance to all North America Extra aircraft owners. Additionally, all new Extra models of aircraft bound for North America will come into the USA via DeLand and checked out by factory authorized staff prior to delivery. Extra has been a majuor player in the aerobatic aircraft community for more than 40 years -- with the US being a primary market.

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Airborne 09.26.22: Snowbirds Return, Gen Atomics v China, Starlink Inflight

Also: Boeing $200M Fine, USAF Pilots Still Grounded, CH-53K Hauls!, C172 Visits UN

The Royal Canadian Air Force has cleared its demonstration team for flight once again, but air show fans will be disappointed that they will miss the rest of the 2022 season. The pause followed a failed takeoff that occurred in Fort St. John last month that brought the fleet to a stop while investigators cast a critical eye at the aging Canadair CT-114 Tutors used by the team. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems is sounding the alarm on a Chinese agricultural development set to break ground near Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota. The defense manufacturer is urging the gover

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Senate Confirms Saltzman to be Space Force’s next Chief of Space Operations

Saltzman Will Lead The Space Force And Its 16,000 Guardians And Civilians

The Senate has confirmed Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman to be the U.S. Space Force’s next Chief of Space Operations, positioning him to lead the nation’s newest military service. With his confirmation in hand as well as his promotion to general, Saltzman is poised to step into the position held by Gen. John “Jay” Raymond who has served as the Space Force’s highest-ranking military officer since the service was created on Dec. 20, 2019.

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Flight Path Museum LAX Relaunches Sim Classes

Popular Flight Path Flyers Program Put Together For High School And College Students

Flight Path Museum LAX has relaunched their popular Flight Path Flyers program for high school and college students that offers an introduction to flight training taught by commercial airline pilots. Flight Path Museum LAX brought the program back to serve as an introduction to flight training taught by commercial airline pilots. The classes allow youth to explore the first steps toward a potential aviation career.

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Another MH-60 Rescue Mission For The USCG...

Coast Guard Medevacs 42-Year-Old Man From Fishing Boat Off San Diego

The Coast Guard medically evacuated a 42-year-old man from the sportfishing vessel Outrider approximately 70 miles south of San Diego, Friday morning. Outrider crewmembers contacted Coast Guard Sector San Diego Joint Harbor Operations Center watchstanders at approximately 11 p.m., Thursday night, requesting assistance for a passenger who was displaying seizure-like symptoms.

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Malibu M-Class Owners and Pilots Select New Leaders

New Team Announced During Annual Convention

The Malibu M-Class Owners and Pilots Association (MMOPA) announces its new leadership team with Chief Executive Officer, Mike Nichols, CAM, CAE, and Chief Operating Officer, Jenna Reid. The new executive team was introduced to MMOPA members last week during the opening of its 2022 Convention in Tucson, AZ.

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Classic Aero-TV: Built On Honor -- Touring Hartzell's Prop Shop

From 2014 (YouTube Version): The Stunning Technology Behind What Keeps Much Of The Aero-World Flying

In this video we have the pleasure of meeting, J.J. Frigge, the Executive Vice President for Hartzell Propeller, and we receive a personal guided tour of the Hartzell production facility. The Hartzell Propeller Company goes back to the early days of aviation when they were innovators in airplane propeller research and development. The spirit of those days has not been lost on the modern company. The video takes us through the product

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NTSB Prelim: Yakovlev YAK-11

Pilot Radioed His Ground Crew... That He Had A Low Oil Pressure Indication

On September 2, 2022, about 1100 Pacific daylight time, a Yakovlev Yak-11, N5943, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Shafter, California. The pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. A witness, who was part of the ground crew located at the Shafter-Minter Airport (MIT), Shafter, California, reported that the pilot initially departed runway 30, and entered a climbing left turn, with the intention of orbiting the airport.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.03.22)

Aero Linx: Caltrans' Division of Aeronautics Caltrans' mission is to provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability. The Division of Aeronautics focuses on California's aviation transportation system.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.03.22): ATC Security Services

ATC Security Services Communications and security tracking provided by an ATC facility in support of the DHS, the DOD, or other Federal security elements in the interest of national security. Such security services are only applicable within designated areas. ATC security services do not include ATC basic radar services or flight following.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.03.22)

“I am very pleased to continue our success in the USA and announce this new Extra facility for our North American customers.  We will provide AOG and complete spares support from DeLand backed up by the factory in Germany.  We will also grow our service offerings for scheduled maintenance, such as annual inspections and the 1,000-hour inspection as well as unscheduled maintenance." Source: Extra Aerobatic Airplanes Founder and CEO, Walter Extra, confirming the establishment of Extra Aircraft USA LP based at the DeLand Airport (KDED), to be based in DeLand, Florida.

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