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October 29, 2022

Leonardo Sells AW119K to Italian Carabinieri

New Helicopters Fulfill Modernization Requirements for Multi-Mission Rotary Aircraft

Leonardo has announced a successful ‘get’ in selling 20 AW119Kx single engine helicopters for the Italian Air Service. The aircraft will be completed at Leonardo’s Vergiate facility in Varese, Italy, for delivery beginning next year through 2026. Along with the sale, Leonardo sold a “comprehensive turnkey logistics support package” that included training services for pilots and maintenance personnel.

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Tailwind Air Launches NYC to D.C. Seaplane Service

After Delays Over Airspace, Caravan Operation Opts for Time-Tested GA Solution: Avoid the Bravo

After a delay in its planned October 11th launch, Tailwind Air has received approval to launch its float-equipped Cessna Grand Caravans from Dulles International Airport. The route will see their seaplanes taking off from Washington D.C.’s land-based airport and flying north before landing in New York’s East River about 90 minutes later. Tailwinds plans to offer 8 flights per week going each way.

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Southwest Acknowledges Aircraft Deliveries Insufficient for 2023

Amid Shortages and Delays, SWA 737 NGs Will Take Up the Slack Until Their Replacements Arrive

Southwest Airlines has issued a warning over the coming ‘crop’ of aircraft from major manufacturers, notifying the industry that future deliveries of passenger aircraft are lagging behind the minimum required to provide consistent service. The news isn’t quite unforeseen after years of logistics issues and economic trouble throughout the economy, but mainline carriers acknowledging that they have a side of “aircraft-flavored” shortage to go with their existing pilot shortage is a new development. 

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Airborne 10.21.22: Starlink Flies!, BizAv Foreca$t, Wireless Tire Pressure Gauge

Also: flyExclusive Buy, Gulfstream Savannah, 3,500km+ Drone Flight, Airbus ACJ SAF

SpaceX has launched the aeronautical version of its Starlink internet service, offering high-speed, low-latency internet for aircraft at a low, low price of…$12,500 to $25,000 per month. While the service may seem somewhat exorbitant to the average person’s internet service, the world of business aviation is a different ecosystem entirely, and Starlink Aviation’s pricing is not too far from the average in the sector. Honeywell's 31st Annual Global Business Aviation Outlook delivered promising news, showing strong demand for business jets through 2032.

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Alaska Airlines Exercises Options on 52 New 737 MAX Family Aircraft

Symbiosis on the Puget Sound

Seattle-based Alaska Airlines has announced it is expanding its 737 MAX fleet by exercising extant options for 42 737-10 and ten 737-9 narrowbody airliners. The 52-airplane deal speaks compellingly to the air-carrier’s efforts to build one of the most efficient and sustainable fleets in the airline industry, and imparts momentum to the ongoing recovery of Boeing’s melancholic 737 MAX program. The newly announced agreement brings Alaska’s unfulfilled order-book for 737 MAX family aircraft to more than one-hundred jets.

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Airborne 10.21.22: Starlink Flies!, BizAv Foreca$t, Wireless Tire Pressure Gauge

Also: flyExclusive Buy, Gulfstream Savannah, 3,500km+ Drone Flight, Airbus ACJ SAF

SpaceX has launched the aeronautical version of its Starlink internet service, offering high-speed, low-latency internet for aircraft at a low, low price of…$12,500 to $25,000 per month. While the service may seem somewhat exorbitant to the average person’s internet service, the world of business aviation is a different ecosystem entirely, and Starlink Aviation’s pricing is not too far from the average in the sector. Honeywell's 31st Annual Global Business Aviation Outlook delivered promising news, showing strong demand for business jets through 2032.

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Altavair to Lease Converted Airbus A330-300 Freighters to Amazon Air

The High Financial Strata

Altavair L.P. has announced the signing of an agreement by which it will lease ten Airbus A330-300 jets to Amazon Air. Subject aircraft will be delivered following their conversion to freighters by Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH—a joint venture between ST Engineering Aerospace and Airbus. The aircraft are owned by funds and accounts managed by KKR, with Altavair brokering the deal and acting as lease servicer. The first of the A330 freighters are slated to enter service with Amazon Air in late 2023.

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Saudi Arabian Airline First to Enter EVTOL Market With Lilium Purchase

100 Lilium Jets Included in Memorandum of Understanding Between German eVTOL Manufacture and Sauid Flag Carrier

Saudia, the flag carrier of Saudi Arabia, has signed an MoU with Lilium for the development and operation of an extensive eVTOL network across the country along with a purchase for 100 Lilium Jets. If the project comes to fruition, Saudia will become the first sustainable, zero-emission passenger aircraft operation, offering electric point-to-point connections across the country. Once complete, the fleet of 100 Jets will help to connect a network of feeder connections to Saudia hubs for business class passengers.

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Honeywell Forge Renamed to “Flight Efficiency” with Cloud-Based Upgrade

Fuel Savings, Analytics, and Data Analysis Improve Cost Savings for Enrolled Customers

Honeywell has updated the “Honeywell Flight Efficiency” platform, a cloud-based fuel-use tool to aid flight planning and operations. The platform, now in use with more than 3,000 operators around the world, is aimed at reducing fuel waste, minimizing emissions, and defraying operating and maintenance costs. The cloud-based suite is easier to scale and faster to enhance for Honeywell, building on the older HoneyWell Forge Flight Efficiency product with networked software and up-to-date information.

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NTSB Prelim: Schempp-Hirth Discus CS

Glider Was At 3,700 Ft Mean Sea Level When The Canopy Suddenly, Without Warning Separated

On October 8, 2022, about 0950 eastern daylight time, a Schempp-Hirth Discus CS glider, N520RJ, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Woodstock, Virginia. The private pilot was not injured. The glider was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot reported that the glider was at 3,700 ft mean sea level when the canopy suddenly, without warning separated.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.29.22)

Aero Linx: Brigade Air Brigade Air implements a Christian youth mentoring curriculum and mission aviation camping program with the goal of encouraging young people to seriously consider God’s calling on their lives to serve in the arena of missionary aviation. Brigade Air is unique in this nationwide effort.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.29.22): Stopway

Stopway An area beyond the takeoff runway no less wide than the runway and centered upon the extended centerline of the runway, able to support the airplane during an aborted takeoff, without causing structural damage to the airplane, and designated by the airport authorities for use in decelerating the airplane during an aborted takeoff.

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