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January 19, 2022

5G Debacle Continues... AT&T, Verizon Back Down Again

Select Airport-Adjacent 5G Networks Rollout to Be Delayed

The game of chicken continues, on the eve of the twice-postponed activation date for some 5G cell networks. The networks have blinked once again, as AT&T agreed to defer deployment of certain towers near a few airports. The move comes following strong hints that unabated activation on the formerly agreed-upon date, the 19th, would result in a cascade of airline delays. Exactly which areas will be affected remains unknown. Earlier this week, airlines executives made statement imploring the government to once again delay the activation of 5G networks. “result in not only hundreds of thousands of flight cancellations and disruptions for customers across the industry in 2022

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NASA Chastised Over Dwindling Astronaut Base

OIG Report Shows Corps Currently Maintained for ISS Missions, But Artemis and Mars Will Require Expansion

As NASA moves full speed ahead with their crewed moon mission program, the corps of flight-qualified and mission-ready astronauts has been eyed with increasing wariness. A higher mission tempo and expansion of space programs have required the administration to draw on the limited pool of candidates for not only its space station missions, but further missions to the moon or the upcoming Orbital Reef project. NASA's management of their numbers has resulted in a report from the OIG Office of Audits, analyzing the administration's treatment of its astronaut program. Currently, the OIG says, the administration has fallen into the habit of tailorin

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Dornier Buys Flywhale Design from Uniplanes

German Sport Seaplane to Serve as LSA and Base for Amphibious eVTOL

Dornier Seawings has purchased the Flywhale seaplane program from its German parent, Uniplanes GmbH, in a package that includes all intellectual property, production assets, design data, drawings, manuals, tooling, and molds. The acquisition positions the Flywhale FW650 as a future Dornier product in line with the company's Seawings and Seastar CD2 aircraft as the DS-2C. Dornier says an eVTOL, jet-powered version is also in early development to enter the air mobility market. 

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CAP Completes First Accident Discovery of 2022

Data, Radar, And Flight Combine to Locate Remote Mountain Plane Remains

The first mission of the year came only days after January 1st, as a missing plane was reported overdue on its flight from Marana, Arizona to Riverside, California. The CAP National Radar Analysis Team received the alert from the FAA to begin their search with available data, looking for the aircraft along its projected route. The team is no stranger to the process, using data pulled from the pilot's cell carrier and Google account to locate the last known on-network position as a base to begin extrapolation. 

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Taliban Demands Return of Evacuated Aircraft

Surprise! Half of Afghan Air Force Planes Remain Outside of Country

The acting Defense Minister of Afghanistan, Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid told those gathered at a ceremony featuring the country's limited air force that those surrounding countries still holding 'Afghani' aircraft should return them to the regime or face nebulous consequences. The last days of the Afghani Republic saw droves of qualified pilots flee the country (for their lives) with their mechanical steeds, escaping the advancing Taliban forces by using their (often desperately needed) aeronautical skills. A large portion of the US-funded Afghan Air Force ended up parked in neighboring Uzbekistan as nearly 600 escaping servicemen and their families abandoned almost 50 ai

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FAA Grants $5 Million For Pilot Creation

Grantees Able to Create Suitable Projects to Foster New Aviators 

The US Department of Transportation has awarded $5 million in grants in an effort to "educate the next generation of pilots and other aviation professionals." The projected shortfall of aviators in the next 5 years may not be significantly alleviated with the creation of more entry-level pilots, but the following decade will require just as much replenishment for its retiring baby boom pilots. The Aircraft Pilots Aviation Workforce Development Grant program will see higher-education institutions, high schools, and local governments receive funding to provide enhanced flight training for the fundamental building blocks of a career in aviation. 

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Gulfstream Caps 2021 with Year in Review

Mesa, Arizona Customer Service Center to Soon Begin Operations out of Rented Facility 

Gulfstream celebrated the last year with their customer service program, capping off a year of expansions, customer service enhancements and sustainability changes. The company expanded its Farnborough, UK service Center, bringing its staff to more than 230 employees. The location has earned 30 regulatory approvals throughout the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East to be able to provide factory-quality repair and overhaul. The Farnborough Airport has partnered with Gulfstream to address local sustainability goals, including a decreased carbon footprint and zero emission target, as well as the sale of sustainable aviation fuel for customers pa

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Classic Aero-TV: Power On Time -- Mid-Continent’s MD93 Digital Clock/USB Charger

From 2014: Simple Solutions Allow For More Efficient and Versatile Cockpits

While at the AEA Southern Regional Convention 2014, ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, went in search to find a solution for a key aviation concern. That concern is: where can you plug in a USB charger in your aircraft? It seems in this modern day of aviation that finding a place to keep your PED charged is almost as important as flying the aircraft. Jim’s quest brought him to Tim Fidler, the Mid-Continent Instruments Eastern Regional sales representative. Mid-Con

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NTSB Prelim: Robinson Helicopter Company R44 II

The Helicopter Continued Westbound For About 2 Minutes Before Radar Contact Was Lost

On December 30, 2021, about 2029 eastern standard time, a Robinson R44 II, N442VB, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Bronson, Florida. The pilot and three passengers were fatally injured. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot departed a private residence located in Bronson, Florida, about 2020 destined for his personal residence in Bell, Florida. According to preliminary radar data provided by the Federal Aviation Administration, the helicopter continued westbound for about 2 minutes before radar contact was lost. A witness, out walking her dog, stated that she heard a helicopt

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.19.22): LAHSO

LAHSO An acronym for “Land and Hold Short Operation.” These operations include landing and holding short of an intersecting runway, a taxiway, a predetermined point, or an approach/departure flightpath.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.19.22)

Aero Linx: Sisters Of The Skies Committed to Diversifying the Skies, we are an organization of professional black female pilots who are committed to supporting future black aviators through mentorship, professional development, outreach and scholarship. With our outreach programs, youth have the opportunity to engage with female pilots in uniform and take discovery flights with hopes of fostering tomorrow’s aerospace professionals. Our programs are aimed at exposing African American female youth to aviation via career discovery events.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.19.22)

“Our investment in the aviation workforce of the future must begin today. These grants help nurture interest in aviation at an early age to build a career during one of the most dynamic times in aviation history.” Source: FAA Administrator Steve Dickson, a former commercial airline Captain, discussing DoT's awarding $5 million in grants in an effort to "educate the next generation of pilots and other aviation professionals." The projected shortfall of aviators in the next 5 years may not be significantly alleviated with the creation of more entry-level pilots, but the following decade will require just as much replenishment for its retiring baby boom pilots.

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