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February 11, 2021

Airborne-Special Edition 02.11.21: Aviation Safety Resources' Larry Williams

Also: Next-Gen Airplane Parachutes, Lighter, Smaller, and More Cost-Effective, Coming Soon

ANN’s Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell has an interesting background as a test pilot... but one of the most exciting programs he was part of …..was flying and testing the first early generation of emergency airframe parachute systems on several different Cessnas, while working with two separate development programs. The technology has progressed so much since then, but the next generation of airframe recovery parachute systems is undergoing preparation for the civilian market and beyond... promising better/lighter materials, small sizes, and lower costs. Our Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell interviewed Aviation Safety Resources’ CEO and President Larry Williams to get the inside

FSANA Delays Annual Convention To Summer

New Conference Date Set For August 18-20, 2021

Another much-anticipated event, one that was pretty an indoor convention, has been delayed due to issues associated with the pandemic. The Flight School Association of North America notes that, "Through discussions with members, suppliers, government officials and hotel management, the FSANA board and staff have decided to reschedule the 2021 conference. We apologize to anyone unable to make the new date, but feel the move will make for a better conference for all who attend or exhibit. We expect that we may have our largest attendance ever." The event is now scheduled for August 18-20, 2021, and will still be held in the Rosen Plaza in Orlando, Florida.

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Airborne 02.10.21: Citation CJ4 Gen2, AEA 2020 Report, Robinson HeliVideo

Also: Perseverance Readies For Mars, USCG Rescues Bear Victim, Bell 505 Sale

Textron Aviation is taking orders for the Cessna Citation CJ4 Gen2 with deliveries beginning immediately. The Cessna Citation CJ4, which achieved FAA type certification in 2010, remains a 525C type aircraft and has already received current interior certification for the CJ4 Gen2. AEA has released its 2020 year-end Avionics Market Report, and total worldwide business and general aviation avionics sales for the year amounted to more than $2.2 billion as reported by the participating companies. The dollar amount represented a 26%

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NEW! Airborne-Special Edition 01.29.21: 'Lites' Leenhouts Talks Sun n Fun 2021!

Also: SnF Safety Issues, COVID Cautions, Great Expectations And Some Surprises

With so many aero-events being delayed, Heli-Expo cancelled and Aero- Friedrichshafen delayed to the week before Oshkosh, people are wondering when can the aviation world return to normal and when can Fly-Ins happen again. In just a couple of months...will Sun ‘n Fun be the Aero-Ice breaker? Can they pull off the first major aviation event barely a year after the start of the Pandemic and keep it safe? And finally Will people come to Lakeland after all? To get answers ANN Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell interviewed none ot

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Drone Shows To Light Up The Skies During Sun ‘n Fun 2021

Great Lakes Drone Company Will Produce The Exhibition

ANN's Jim Campbell spent part of the day at the SnF/ACE campus last week and came away convinced that the team at Sun 'n Fun is gearing up to have one heck of a Fly-In... and is fully committted to making it a show to remember. A case in point ... One major feature for this year will be the first public drone light show performance at a Florida airshow. Over 60 of the specialized aerial robots will lift-off together, taking flight twice during the week-long event. Sun ‘n Fun organizers are confident that this dazzling multi-colored aerial light display set to music, dubbed the “Star Dance Spectacular,” will be one of this year’s most memorable highlights.

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United Teaming With Archer Aviation In $1 Billion+ Deal

United's Orders Could Be Worth $1 Billion, With Options For Another $500M

United Airlines has completed an agreement to work with air mobility company Archer as part of the airline's broader effort to invest in emerging technologies that decarbonize air travel. Rather than relying on traditional combustion engines, Archer's electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft are designed to use electric motors and have the potential for future use as an 'air taxi' in urban markets. If this program succeeds, United's orders will be worth $1 billion for Archer's aircraft, with an option for an additional $500 million.

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Listening Session With SecTrans Allows NBAA To Advocate For BizAv

Buttigieg: 'Your Organizations Have Stepped Up To Find Solutions'

Wednesday, NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen took the opportunity to emphasize the business aviation community’s critical role in America’s economy, as well as the industry’s continued leadership in the safety, security and sustainability of flight during an “Aviation Listening Session” between newly confirmed DOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg and industry leaders. “For the better part of a century, business aviation has served as a vital link in our air transportation system, and an important driver of our nation’s economy,” Bolen said.

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Houston PD Takes Delivery Of New H125

N Number Is Same As Badge Number Of Honored Officer

The Houston Police Department, one of the largest air units in the country, recently took delivery of a new and very special H125. It’s the first H125 for the department and will be utilized for fighting violent and property crime, and assisting with search and rescue, homeland security and firefighting support. It is also a lasting reminder of one of their own. Houston Police Officer Jason Knox was 35 years old when his watch came to an end on May 2, 2020. His badge number – 2374, retired by Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo – is written in black on the new aircraft as its FAA registration number. Knox, a tactical flight officer, had served on the department for eight years and

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NASA Weighs Options for Additional ISS Crew Transportation

Considering The Adding Of A Seat On The Spring Soyuz Mission to the ISS

A rotating crew of NASA and international astronauts have called the International Space Station home for more than 20 years. To ensure a consistent U.S. presence on the space station through the years, NASA has implemented safeguards to ensure crew transportation is always available. NASA now is considering obtaining a supplemental seat on the upcoming spring Soyuz crew rotation mission for a NASA astronaut to add additional capability to the agency’s planning. The agency issued a public synopsis to identify all sources that potentially could provide the crew transportation service in the needed timeframe beyond the capability NASA already has in operation with the agen

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Classic Aero-TV: 2017 FAA UAS Symposium - AUVSI Boss, Brian Wynne

From 2017: Brian Wynne Looks Ahead To 'The Hard Stuff’…

The FAA's second annual UAV Symposium held in March in Washington, D.C. brought industry stakeholders and a large number of FAA leaders and employees into the same place to discuss the future of Unmanned Aircraft in the United States. AUVSI president and CEO Bryan Wynne told ANN CEO and Editor in Chief Jim Campbell at the FAA's UAS Symposium that, for him, the adoption of Part 107 was "the sound of the gun going off." The industry is now making progress with regulators on issues such as flight beyond visual line of sight, flight o

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Spatial Disorientation Device Reportedly Meets NTSB Recommendation

Program/Device May Be Ideal For Reduced Visibility Training

AT Systems has patented a device that trains pilots for degraded visual environment conditions during routine training flights. This device is the latest technology in training for spatial disorientation and low visibility events such as Inadvertent IMC, brown-out, or white-out conditions. The NTSB has identified in aircraft spatial disorientation training as a key factor in preventing accidents where spatial disorientation is a factor. The device attaches to a helmet without modification and produces a degraded visual environment controlled by an  instructor or safety pilot-operated iPad. This mode of training allows the pilot to experience both simulated visibility and the actual s

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna U206

The Engine “Rolled Back” And Started To Lose Power

On January 23, 2021, about 1455 eastern standard time, a Cessna U206G, Canadian registration CGWAS, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident in Denton, North Carolina. The pilot and copilot were not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 aerial observation flight. According to the pilot-in-command (PIC), she and the copilot had been flying mapping flights for the United States Geological Survey group. The PIC stated they would fly about 250 ft. above ground level in a grid pattern while mapping. She further stated that they had enough fuel on board for about a 6-hour flight.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (02.11.21)

Aero Linx: The Virginia Department of Aviation The Virginia Department of Aviation is a state transportation agency whose mission is to cultivate an advanced aviation system that is safe and secure, and that also provides for economic development, promotes aviation awareness and education, and provides the most efficient flight services for the Commonwealth leadership and state agencies.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (02.11.21): Traffic Advisories

Traffic Advisories Advisories issued to alert pilots to other known or observed air traffic which may be in such proximity to the position or intended route of flight of their aircraft to warrant their attention. Such advisories may be based on: Visual observation. Observation of radar identified and nonidentified aircraft targets on an ATC radar display, or Verbal reports from pilots or other facilities.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (02.11.21)

“For the better part of a century, business aviation has served as a vital link in our air transportation system, and an important driver of our nation’s economy. We want to build on our unwavering commitment to operations that are safe, secure, sustainable and efficient, and we’re pleased to have the opportunity to begin that partnership with you and your team.” Source: NBAA Boss, Ed Bolen, speaking to the Secretary of Transportation on behalf of the bizav community.

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