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January 31, 2021

Klyde Morris (01.29.21)

Klyde Is Not Ready To Be A Video Star


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First Cargo Door Equipped King Air 260c Enters Air Medical Service

Air Archipels Carries Out 3,000 Hours Of Flight Per Year

Textron Aviation has been awarded a contract by Air Archipels of Tahiti (French Polynesia) for one Beechcraft King Air 260 and one cargo door equipped King Air 260C aircraft. The aircraft are planned to be delivered to Air Archipels in the second half of 2021. Air Archipels currently operates a fleet of Beechcraft Super King Air B200s in French Polynesia. The first cargo door King Air 260 was ordered by Air Archipels and it will be the first to enter service.

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Women In Corporate Aviation Announces Over $60K In 2021 Spring Scholarships

WCA Has Awarded 219 Scholarships Valued At $703,520.00 Over 15 Years

Women in Corporate Aviation (WCA) has announced their spring scholarship program. WCA has been honored to start 2021 with an inspiring lineup of spring scholarship offerings, supported by a continuously generous industry. WCA including investing in new scholarship software. The software is allowing them to transition from a manual to an automated process providing greater communication and an elevated experience from start to finish for each applicant and sponsor.

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Green Run Update: NASA Proceeds With Plans for Second Hot Fire Test

Could Happen As Early As The Fourth Week In February

NASA plans to conduct a second Green Run hot fire test as early as the fourth week in February with the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket’s core stage that will launch the Artemis I mission to the Moon. The Green Run is a comprehensive assessment of the rocket’s core stage prior to launching Artemis missions. While the first hot fire test marked a major milestone for the program with the firing of all four RS-25 engines together for the first time for about a minute, it ended earlier than planned. After evaluating data from the first hot fire and the prior seven Green Run tests, NASA and core stage lead contractor Boeing determined that a second, longer hot fire test should be conduct

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Classic Aero-TV: The Raisbeck/Hartzell Solution - Re-Propping The King Air 350

From 2017: New Composite Prop Introduced For King Air 350…

Hartzell Propeller and Raisbeck Engineering are collaborating on new structural composite swept blade props for the Beechcraft King Air 350 turboprop. The prop was introduced at AirVenture 2017 in July. The new King Air 350 propellers are an extension of the propeller blade technology advancements developed jointly by Hartzell and Raisbeck for the King Air 90, King Air B200 series and King Air 300 series aircraft. The new composite propellers have an extended 3,000-hour, three-year warranty.

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Volare Aviation Completes It's First Hawker Blended Winglet Retrofit

Becomes Aviation Partners' Installation Partner In Europe

Aviation Partners, Inc. (API) announced that Oxford, UK based Volare Aviation has completed their first installation of the Blended Winglets retrofit on a Hawker 800XPi airplane, and is appointed an authorized installation partner for Hawker 800 series Blended Winglet retrofits in Europe. API's Performance Enhancing Blended Winglets for the Hawker 800 series airplanes reportedly reduce drag by over seven percent at Long Range Cruise. This drag reduction increases range by 180 nautical miles or more, allows the airplane to cruise 15-18 knots faster; enables faster time-to-climb, can reduce or eliminate the need for step-climbs for many missions, and improves second segment climb.

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NACA Opposes Mandatory Pre-Flight COVID-19 Testing on Domestic Flights

"...Implementation Of Such A Requirement Would Be Extremely Difficult..."

On January 28, 2021, in response to media reports indicating the Biden Administration is considering imposing a COVID-19 testing requirement for domestic air passengers, National Air Carrier Association (NACA) President and CEO George Novak issued the following statement: “NACA strongly supports CDC’s most recent efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in all transportation modes, including aviation, by mandating that passengers and workers wear face coverings..."

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Canada Introduces Further Aggressive Restrictions On Int'l Travel

Airlines Have Also Agreed To Suspend All Flights To And From Mexico And Caribbean Countries

Canada continues to take aggressive action to protect the health and safety of Canadians by introducing measures to prevent further introduction and transmission of COVID-19 and new variants of the virus into Canada. The Government of Canada announced new rules on international travel, in addition to the multi-layered approach on COVID-19 already in place. The government and Canada’s airlines have agreed to suspend all flights to and from Mexico and Caribbean countries until April 30, 2021. This will be in effect as of January 31, 2021.

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NTSB Prelim: Beech 65-80-8800

About 20-30 Ft Above The Ground The Airplane Pulled To The Right

On December 28, 2020, about 1945 central standard time (CST), a Beech 65-80-8800, N134BA, was substantially damaged when it was involved in a takeoff accident near Alexandria, Minnesota. The pilot was not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 135 on-demand cargo flight. The airplane was owned and operated by Bemidji Aviation Services as an on-demand cargo flight. According to the pilot, he flew from BJI to AXN, and landed with 168 gallons of fuel on board the airplane. The weather at the time of the landing was clear.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.31.21)

Aero Linx: Fly Minnesota Airports Fly Minnesota Airports is a program sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Transportation – Aeronautics and the Minnesota Council of Airports to promote general aviation in Minnesota. This program rewards any FAA licensed pilot from any state who flies to Minnesota’s public-use airports, attends safety seminars, and visit Minnesota’s aviation museums. Fly Minnesota Airports program promotes safety, education, and encourages pilots to practice approaches and landings in many different environments. It’s also a great way to support general aviation airports, businesses, and tourism.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.31.21): Traffic Alert And Collision Avoidance System

Traffic Alert And Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)

An airborne collision avoidance system based on radar beacon signals which operates independent of ground-based equipment. TCAS-I generates traffic advisories only. TCAS-II generates traffic advisories, and resolution (collision avoidance) advisories in the vertical plane.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.31.21)

“We believe implementation of such a requirement would be extremely difficult given the high cost and continuing low availability of COVID-19 testing in the United States. Furthermore, such a proposal would disproportionately impact aviation vis-à-vis rail, bus and public transit, all of which have similar passenger seating environments, because travelers may be unwilling or unable to get testing before flying. In addition, a domestic testing requirement for air travel will inevitably result in potential air travelers electing to drive to their destinations, which is statistically more dangerous than flying and could lead to higher rates of COVID-19 transmission, as road trips typically include indoor food and rest stops..." Source:

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