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August 14, 2020

Airborne Unlimited For the Week of 08.14.20

First US Panthera Readies For Flight

ULA and SpaceX Set To Make Billions Due to NSSL Awards

New President Takes On Leadership of Ninety-Nines   



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Airborne 08.14.20: EPS Engine Bankrupt, Second Skycourier, AEA 2Q/20 Report

Also: Blue Angels Homecoming Cancelled, Upgraded Puma, Virtual Rotorcraft Conference, Aviation Safety Resources
Engineered Propulsion Systems, Inc, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company undertook this development of its own initiative via their debtor’s attorney, James D. Sweet of Steinhilber Swanson LLP.  The EPS Diesel engine program had been getting serious attention from civilian and military parties while the company reportedly spent some $60 million in private investment dollars to seek a working production version and eventual certification. Textron has flown its second Cessna SkyCourier flight test article (P1). The milestone flight for the high-wing, large utility aircraft comes just two-and-a-half months after t

Already Charged Up... NASA's Ingenuity Mars-Copter Recharges Batteries EnRoute

Marks The First Time The Helicopter Has Been Powered Up In Space

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter received a checkout and recharge of its power system on Friday, Aug. 7, one week into its near seven-month journey to Mars with the Perseverance rover. This marks the first time the helicopter has been powered up and its batteries have been charged in the space environment. During the eight-hour operation, the performance of the rotorcraft's six lithium-ion batteries was analyzed as the team brought their charge level up to 35%. The project has determined a low charge state is optimal for battery health during the cruise to Mars.

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Van’s Updates IO-390 Usage For RV-7 And RV-8

Van’s Has Approved The 215HP IO-390-EXP119 Engine For The RV-7 and RV-8

Some good news from Van's for those for whom there is never enough horsepower under the cowl. Since the introduction of the Lycoming IO-390A engine, Van's relates that some of their customers have expressed their desire to install this engine on a RV-7/7A or RV-8/8A airframe. Van’s Aircraft has recently completed an in-depth review of horsepower limitations for the RV-7/7A and RV-8/8A and is now approving the use of Lycoming’s 210HP IO-390A (YIO-390-A3B6) and IO-390-EXP119 engines on these models.

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Klyde Morris (08.14.20)

Klyde Scratches His Head Over The Lack of CAP Coverage...


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Town Of Buena Vista, Colorado Approves Unique Drone Flying Park

Consists Of Four "Zones" Where Pilots Can Learn To Fly Or Hone Their Skills

A major milestone in one of Central Colorado UAS projects was achieved this week when the Town of Buena Vista Trustees unanimously approved the group's concept of a drone flying park to be located on Town property. "We are delighted that the Town approved our concept to create this park which is unique in the industry.," said Club President Taylor Albrecht.

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Classic Aero-TV: John Snider's Mosquito -- An Affordable Single-Seat Helicopter

From 2011: Affordable, Experimental Helos Make A Comeback

ANN's Paul Plack had a ball at last month's popular 2011 Rotorcraft Association annual convention and Fly-In in Mentone, In. There was plenty to see and experience. Paul was particularly impressed with the demo flying of John Snider, the owner of Personal Rotorcraft, LLC and a distributor for the Mosquito kit helicopter line. John's stunning Mosquito XE put on quite a show and few folks who saw him fly will be able to forget his aggressive demos of the machine at Oshkosh and Mentone.

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Airline Analysis Shows States With Air Service and Travel Hardest Hit by COVID

Tough Road Ahead... NY, NJ Are The Two States With The Biggest Loss Of Air Services

A new analysis by Airlines for America (A4A) reportedly shows which states are experiencing the greatest impact on air service and air-travel demand amid the COVID-19 health crisis. According to A4A analysis of published schedules, New York has been the hardest hit state in the country, having experienced the largest decrease in scheduled departures from July 2019 to July 2020. New York experienced a 70% decline in scheduled passenger flights. New Jersey is the second-most impacted state, experiencing a 67% decline in scheduled passenger flights.

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DoT Issues Order On Charter Flights To Cuba

Order Results At The Specific Request Of The Department Of State

On August 13, 2020, DoT issued an Order that will suspend all charter flights between the United States and all airports in Cuba, except for authorized public charters to and from Havana and other authorized charter flights for emergency medical purposes, search and rescue, and other travel deemed to be in the interest of the United States. DOT is taking this action at the specific request of the U.S. Department of State. 

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Airborne 08.10.20: 1st US Panthera, ULA and SpaceX, New 99s Prez

Also: NASA Maps Beirut, Volansi Signs Agreement, Phenom 300MED, 2020 US Parachuting Nationals?

Pipistrel-USA dealer, Right Rudder Aviation, has just taken delivery of a new Pipistrel Panthera high-performance four place aircraft -- the first of its kind in all of North America. Right Rudder Aviation is an FBO/Flight School/Aircraft Dealer based at the Inverness Airport in Inverness, FL. The Panthera is one of the curviest aircraft to hit the scene in quite a while -- and a potential Cirrus killer. A composite (much of it carbon-fiber) four-place with tricycle retractable gear, a T-Tail, and an all-glass

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 337

The Entire Airplane Was Accounted For At The Accident Site

On July 30, 2020, about 0938 mountain daylight time, a Cessna 337F, N337V, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Ennis, Montana. The pilot was critically injured, one passenger was seriously injured, and one passenger was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 personal flight. The flight departed Helena Regional Airport (HLN), Helena, Montana on a business trip about 0845. Its destination was Jackson Hole Airport (JAC), Jackson Hole, Wyoming, about 185 nautical miles (nm) south-southeast of HLN.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.14.20)

Aero Linx: The Experimental Soaring Association The Experimental Soaring Association, formerly the Sailplane Homebuilders Association, is a division of the Soaring Society of America. While the key points of design and construction of self-built sailplanes remain at the core of the organization, new types of soaring flight, the problems of economical launching methods, the place of motorized sailplanes, and the challenge of reducing the cost of entry into soaring are major interests that prompted our change of name. Our goal is to share knowledge and to encourage experimentation, research, building, and flying of soaring aircraft. Our organization is built on the shoulders of aerospace giants such as

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.14.20): Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) Charts

Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) Charts Designed to expedite air traffic control arrival procedures and to facilitate transition between en route and instrument approach operations. Each STAR procedure is presented as a separate chart and may serve a single airport or more than one airport in a given geographical location.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (08.14.20)

"We are delighted that the Town approved our concept to create this park which is unique in the industry. Both Chaffee County and the Town have been very supportive of our efforts to highlight the positive benefits of unmanned aerial systems technology to the community. This is another step in the development of an environment where drone companies and pilots are welcome and have the resources to learn how to fly safely and legally." Source: Central Colorado UAS Club President Taylor Albrecht, in response to the news that the Town of Buena Vista Trustees unanimously approved the group's concept of a drone flying park to be located on Town property.

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