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November 14, 2020

Dynon Doubles Down... Seneca II-V STC's Complete

Applies to PA34-200T Seneca II, PA34-220T Seneca III, PA34-220T Seneca IV, PA34-220T Seneca V

Dynon has twice as much reason, as usual, to do some bragging with the release of their new STC'd Glass Panel offerings for the Piper Seneca series. The full SkyView HDX system - including twin-engine monitoring and two-axis autopilot - is now FAA approved for installation into most Piper Seneca aircraft (with only the Seneca I not on the list along with some variations of Seneca V... for now). With this approval, Seneca owners are the first pilots that can install a complete Dynon suite  into their light twin-engine aircraft.

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Levil Aviation Intro's New Digital Instrument App

New APP Offers A Portable, Customizable, Digital Instrument Panel

Levil Aviation has released a new App, NOW available on the app store. The new App is a customizable digital instrument panel that seeks to bridge what the company sees as the gap between emerging wireless avionics and limited compatibility with Advanced Navigation Apps. The new iOS-based App is designed to display information from wireless devices such as the iLevil3 series, the B.O.M, or other GDL90 devices, simultaneously, while using navigation tools such as Foreflight, iFlyGPS, WingX Pro, and many more side by side. They see it as something of an “App for all” so that no matter what part of the world you fly in, or what your preferred navigation app is, the App shou

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Crew-1 Launch Readiness Review Complete, BUT Launch Delayed Additional Day

Crew-1 Is The First Crew Rotation Flight Of A US Commercial Spacecraft With Astronauts To ISS

Teams completed the final major review, Friday, for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 mission that will launch from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida to the International Space Station. At the conclusion of the review, NASA and SpaceX agreed to target launch for 7:27 p.m. EST Sunday, Nov. 15, due to onshore winds and first stage booster recovery readiness. NASA TV coverage will begin at 3:15 p.m. The Crew Dragon is scheduled to dock to the space station at about 11 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16.

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NAHF’s 2020 Combs-Gates Award To Be Presented To CAF Rise Above

“The CAF Indisputably Sets The Standard For Aviation Education Around The World..."

The National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) proudly reports that the CAF’s RISE ABOVE project has earned 18th Annual Combs Gates Award. The NAHF will award the $20,000 cash prize to the CAF in early 2021. NAHF Chairman Michael Quiello quoted from the nomination packet itself in making the announcement, “The CAF indisputably sets the standard for aviation education around the world. Their project is centered on the lessons and legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen and Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP). It consists of community events, restored World War II-era aircraft, school visits, traveling exhibits, virtual learning tools, and classroom materials.&rd

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Michigan Air Guard Pilot Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross

The Distinguished Flying Cross Is America’s Oldest Military Aviation Decoration

Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett presented Maj. Brett DeVries, a 107th Fighter Squadron pilot, the Distinguished Flying Cross Nov. 6 for extraordinary flight achievement. “The Distinguished Flying Cross is America’s oldest military aviation decoration,” Barrett said. “Awarded for heroism or extraordinary achievement that is, ‘entirely distinctive, involving operations that are not routine,’ today, Maj. DeVries, you will join the ranks of some other American heroes.”

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Classic Aero-TV: The Nature of AirVenture-A Unique Look at the Planes of Oshkosh

From 2012: Aero-TV Takes A (Very) Creative Look At The Wilder Side Of Oshkosh

Sometimes, after a week of watching airplanes fly, they begin to seem to almost ... well ... begin to take on a life of their own. When videographers and writers start to look at airplanes in that way, strange things can happen. We call our airplanes "birds." They have names like KitFox, Goose, BearHawk, and ... yes ... Cub. And at an event like Oshkosh they do gather, like all the different animals at the watering hole on the African savannah, for a brief time before moving on. There are the fragile, the small and agile, the large and ponderous, and the swift predators.

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Airbus Signs Contract For 38 Eurofighters With Germany

Known By Its Project Name, Quadriga, It Covers The Delivery Of 30 Single-Seater And 8 Twin-Seater Eurofighters

Airbus has signed a contract to deliver 38 new Eurofighter aircraft to the German Air Force. This makes Germany the largest ordering nation in Europe's biggest defence programme. The order, also known by its project name Quadriga, covers the delivery of 30 single-seater and 8 twin-seater Eurofighters. Three of the aircraft will be equipped with additional test installations as Instrumented Test Aircraft for the further development of the Eurofighter programme.

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NTSB Prelim: Aero Commander 100

"The Pilot Sounded Like He Was In A 'Panic.'" 

On October 13, 2020, about 2015 eastern daylight time, an Aero Commander 100, N631PF, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Citra, Florida. The student pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 personal flight. The sister of the pilot who resided at the private airport property where the airplane departed reported that the pilot was in Ocala, Florida all day on personal business and after he had driven back, the pilot informed her that he was going to take a “quick flight.” The airplane departed about 1930, and about 15 minutes later, the pilot called on the phone to ask her to take he

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AD: Rolls-Royce Corporation

AD 2020-22-18 Prompted By A Report Of A Propeller Gearbox (PGB) Development Test Conducted By The Manufacturer

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Rolls-Royce Corporation (RRC) AE 2100A, AE 2100D2, AE 2100D2A, and AE 2100P model turboprop engines.  This AD was prompted by a report of a propeller gearbox (PGB) development test conducted by the manufacturer, in which high vibration occurred due to a fatigue crack that initiated in the PGB shaft and carrier assembly. This AD requires assignment of usage hours to the PGB shaft and  carrier assembly at the next engine shop visit and replacement of PGB shaft and carrier assemblies prior to exceeding the new life limits established by the manufacturer. The FAA is

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AD: Airbus SAS Airplanes

AD 2020-22-09 Requires A Roto-Test Inspection Of Fastener Holes Of Certain Fuselage Joints

The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2001-16-13, which applied to certain Airbus SAS Model A330 series airplanes. AD 2001-16-13 required a roto-test inspection of fastener holes of certain fuselage joints for cracks, reinforcement of the fuselage between certain frames, and, if necessary, a high frequency eddy current (HFEC) inspection and repair. As published, the applicability of AD 2001-16-13 inadvertently identified the model designations as serial numbers. This document corrects that error. This new AD requires a roto-test inspection of fastener holes of certain fuselage joints for cracks, reinforcement of the fuselage, and, if necessary,

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.14.20)

Aero Linx: International Aviation Womens Association For almost 30 years, IAWA has effectively promoted the advancement of women in aviation and aerospace through an ever expanding global network. We build strong professional connections, promote leadership development and create enduring bonds. At our conferences, members hear from prominent women in the field. There is no substitute to learning from the unique perspective these women possess.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.14.20): Visual Approach

Visual Approach An approach conducted on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which authorizes the pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. The pilot must, at all times, have either the airport or the preceding aircraft in sight. This approach must be authorized and under the control of the appropriate air traffic control facility. Reported weather at the airport must be: ceiling at or above 1,000 feet, and visibility of 3 miles or greater.

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