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January 18, 2016

Airborne 01.18.16: SpaceX Orbits Again, New ISS Contracts, CubCrafters Chute

Also: Last F117, NBAA Safety Committee, Radial Engine RV-8R, Pompeo Mtg, Uber Suit, US Airways, Embraer, Bombardier

We all watched the live feed anxiously on Sunday as SpaceX launched its Falcon-9 booster from Vandenberg Air Force Base to place the Jason-3 satellite into orbit. The successful launch of the satellite was the primary purpose of the mission, and the mission was accomplished. NASA has awarded three cargo contracts for the delivery of supplies to the International Space Station from 2019 through 2024. The agency unveiled its selection of Orbital ATK of Dulles, Virginia; Sierr

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Airborne 01.18.16: SpaceX Orbits Again, New ISS Contracts, CubCrafters Chute, Last F117

Also: Last F117, NBAA Safety Committee, Radial Engine RV-8R, Pompeo Mtg, Uber Suit, US Airways, Embraer, Bombardier
We all watched the live feed anxiously on Sunday as SpaceX launched its Falcon-9 booster from Vandenberg Air Force Base to place the Jason-3 satellite into orbit. The successful launch of the satellite was the primary purpose of the mission, and the mission was accomplished. NASA has awarded three cargo contracts for the delivery of supplies to the International Space Station from 2019 through 2024. The agency unveiled its selection of Orbital ATK of Dulles, Virginia; Sierra Nevada Corporation of Sparks, Nevada; and SpaceX of Hawthorne, California as the contractors to provide the services. Light aircraft manufacturer, CubCrafters, has anno

SpaceX Jason 3 Launch Successful, Landing Not So Much

Third Booster Lost While Attempting Landing On Platform At Sea

Different ocean ... same result. SpaceX successfully launched the Jason 3 ocean-monitoring satellite to orbit on Sunday, but the company's third attempt to land a booster on a floating platform resulted in the loss of the booster.

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KC-135s Surpass 100,000 Combat Hours

More Than 14,700 Sorties Flown In 2015

The KC-135 Stratotanker fleet at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, flew more than 14,700 sorties in 2015 accumulating 103,419 combat hours in support of Operations Inherent Resolve and Freedom’s Sentinel. “We provide refueling to every flying unit in the area of responsibility which is Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Afghanistan and supported 12 coalition nations,” said Lt. Col. James Murray, the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron director of operations.

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NASA's Spitzer, Hubble Find 'Twins' Of Superstar Eta Carinae In Other Galaxies

Among The Most Luminous And Massive Systems Discovered By The Telescopes

Eta Carinae, the most luminous and massive stellar system within 10,000 light-years, is best known for an enormous eruption seen in the mid-19th century that hurled at least 10 times the sun's mass into space. This expanding veil of gas and dust, which still shrouds Eta Carinae, makes it the only object of its kind known in our galaxy. Now a study using archival data from NASA's Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes has found five objects with similar properties in other galaxies for the first time.   

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Global Jet Capital Announces Appointment Of COO

Industry Veteran Dave Labrozzi Tapped As Chief Operating Officer

Global Jet Capital has announced that industry veteran Dave Labrozzi has joined the company as chief operating officer (COO).

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DART Aerospace Launches New Approved Maintenance Center Network

Canada And U.S. Partners Announced, Others To Be Added 'Soon'

DART Aerospace announces the launch of its new Approved Maintenance Center (AMC) network. By establishing this new network, DART allows small and medium size helicopter operators and private owners to have access in their region to dedicated partners qualified to offer DART aftermarket solutions.

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Jazz Aviation Named One Of Canada's Top Employers For Young People

Fourth Year For The Accolade

For the fourth straight year, Jazz Aviation LP has earned a spot on Mediacorp Canada Inc.'s Canada's Top Employers for Young People listing, an annual survey of Canadian businesses.

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AfBAA Announces AfBAC, The African Business Aviation Conference

Dates And Location Confirmed For 2016

The African Business Aviation Association has announced that its 2016 symposium, AfBAC will be held in Cape Town, South Africa November 17-18. The African Business Aviation Conference will build on the success of the Regional Symposia series by addressing the continent’s Business Aviation sector as a whole, rather than regionally.

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Cenit Introduces Design And Manufacturing Innovations At Airbus

Developed Three 'Master Parts' That Became More Than 8,000 Components In Beluga XL

In September of 2015, after a mere 10 months, Airbus successfully completed the concept phase for its freight aircraft Beluga XL. The contribution to the outstanding productivity of the Airbus engineering was a rule-based and process-oriented design methodology which Cenit formulated and introduced for the company. In this approach, assemblies and individual components are standardized and harmonized, making it possible to define parts families and their respective master parts.

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QuantaDyn Corporation Wins Air Force Contract

Will Install Joint Terminal Control Training And Rehearsal System (JTC TRS)

The Air Force Material Command has awarded a contract for the installation and support of the Joint Terminal Control Training and Rehearsal Systems (JTC TRS).

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New CEO Appointed For Saab Defense And Security USA

Erik Smith Joined The Company In 2007

Defense and security company Saab is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Erik Smith as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Saab Defense and Security USA, LLC (SDAS), effective January 1, 2016.

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AD: Airbus Airplanes

AD NUMBER: 2015-25-10

PRODUCT: Certain Airbus Model A330-201, -202, -203, -223, -243, -301, -302, -303, -321, -322, -323, -341, -342, and -343 airplanes, and Model A340-200 and -300 series airplanes.

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AD: The Boeing Company Airplanes

AD NUMBER: 2016-01-05

PRODUCT: Certain Boeing Model 737-400 series airplanes, as modified by a certain supplemental type certificate.

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AD: Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes

AD NUMBER: 2016-01-02

PRODUCT: Certain Bombardier, Inc. Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) airplanes.

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Aero-TV: The 2016 AMA Expo - Aero-Beginnings, Aero-Roots, Aero-Innovation

For So Many.... This Is Where Aviation Begins

In this video taken at the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) 2016 Expo held in Ontario, California, we see ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, throw objective reporting out the window as he blatantly proclaims his love for the hobby of model aviation. Jim even recalls back to being 12 years-old when he first started in aviation through model aircraft.

Barnstorming: Are You a Friend of Bob’s??? If Not… Do You Want to be?

Building A Supportive Community to Enhance The ‘Let Bob Fly” Program

Within you now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you change your beliefs. — Maxwell Maltz Greetings all… My apologies for the tardiness of this latest ‘Let Bob Fly’ update… but to be perfectly honest, the last few months have been like drinking from the firehose… and we’re researching, learning and absorbing knowledge at a breathtaking rate. Still, it does seem to be time to come up, breathe, and start to implement some much-needed processes. OK… let me explain (or try to) -- the ‘Let Bob Fly’ documentary program and the learnin

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Aero-TV: The 2016 AMA Expo - Aero-Beginnings, Aero-Roots, Aero-Innovation

For So Many.... This Is Where Aviation Begins

In this video taken at the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) 2016 Expo held in Ontario, California, we see ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, throw objective reporting out the window as he blatantly proclaims his love for the hobby of model aviation. Jim even recalls back to being 12 years-old when he first started in aviation through model aircraft. Jim says that if you want to see excitement and innovation in aviation, the AMA Expo is the place to be. Jim provides the introduction, and the video does the rest.

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AeroSports Update: Red Bull Announces Three New Pilots

Three New Faces In 2016 Include The First Ever Female Red Bull Air Race Pilot, And The Indianapolis Motor Speedway Has Been Added To The Venue

The Red Bull website has been sparkling with new information which includes new pilots and an appearance at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. French aerobatic champion Mélanie Astles is set to become the first female pilot to join the Red Bull Air Race's Challenger Cup. Completing the list of three new pilots the 2016 lineup are Britain's Ben Murphy and American pilot Kevin Coleman.

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Uber Focus Of Airport-Related Class Action Suit

Says Airport Fees Were Collected But Not Paid

If you used Uber to arrange airport transportation between June 1, 2010 to November 20, 2015, you may be eligible to participate in a class action suit against the company.

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Spaceport America Launches Gateway To Space Venue And Event Brand

Targets Location Scouts, Experiential And Event Marketers

Spaceport America has launched its new venue and event brand Gateway to Space. With the tagline 'Earth's ultimate space venue', Spaceport America's new venue and event team are leveraging the unique one-of-a-kind destination the world's first purpose-built, commercial spaceport has become.

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First Light For GRAVITY Probe

Achieves Several Notable 'Firsts' For Study Of Black Holes

Zooming in on black holes is the main mission for the newly installed instrument GRAVITY at ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. During its first observations, GRAVITY successfully combined starlight using all four Auxiliary Telescopes. The large team of European astronomers and engineers, led by the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, who designed and built GRAVITY, are thrilled with the performance.

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Klyde Morris (01.18.16)

Klyde's Not Kidding About Avoiding The Use of the Infamous 'B' Word... ASK ANY A&P!!!


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Airborne 01.15.16: Student Pilot Cert Changes, Last S-3 Viking, NTSB Most Wanted

Also: Buffalo Airways, Barnstorming, FAA Admin At AEA16, Chinese Archers, A-29 Super Tucanos, Alaska CAP Accident, Boeing’s Conner/Doolittle Raiders Honors

The FAA has published an update to its student pilot application process in the federal register that includes a major change in how the certificates are issued. All pilots in training for any certificate level always start as student pilots. The student pilot certificate is required for students in training to fly solo when authorized to do so through instructor endorsements. Up until this proposed change, the paper student pil

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Boeing’s Ray Conner, Last Two Doolittle Raiders To Be Honored

Among Those To Be Recognized At The 'Living Legends Of Aviation' Awards

Mr. Ray Conner, President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, will be awarded the Living Legends of Aviation’s “Lifetime Industry Leader Award,” with Mr. Steven Udvar-Hazy and Mr. Herb Kelleher presenting. Boeing Commercial aircraft account for the majority of Boeing’s total revenues and with nearly 12,000 jetliners in service worldwide, this is roughly 75 percent of the world fleet.

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Over 2,000 Aviation Leaders To Head To Singapore This February

All Are Attending The Aviation Festival Asia 2016

Asia's aviation industry is booming. With low fuel prices allowing airlines to realize improved margins, increased focus on passenger experience making happy passengers and new market entrants emerging all the time, there are some big successes to celebrate. But we are also facing a very real problem – how will the industry cope with huge expected rises in passenger numbers, increased competition and a downward trend in fare prices?

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.18.16): Hazardous Weather Information

Hazardous Weather Information Summary of significant meteorological information (SIGMET/WS), convective significant meteorological information (convective SIGMET/WST), urgent pilot weather reports (urgent PIREP/UUA), center weather advisories (CWA), airmen’s meteorological information (AIRMET/WA) and any other weather such as isolated thunderstorms that are rapidly developing and increasing in intensity, or low ceilings and visibilities that are becoming widespread which is considered significant and are not included in a current hazardous weather advisory.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.18.16)

Aero Linx: Air Heritage Air Heritage has four primary goals: To research of our aeronautical history with an emphasis on the Tri-State area. To aid individuals and organizations engaged in similar research and education projects. To engage in the accumulation, restoration and preservation of historically significant aircraft, aeronautical materials and artifacts. To operate and maintain an aviation museum and restoration facility at the Beaver County Airport.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.18.16)

“During its first light, and for the first time in the history of long baseline interferometry in optical astronomy, GRAVITY could make exposures of several minutes, more than a hundred times longer than previously possible. GRAVITY will open optical interferometry to observations of much fainter objects, and push the sensitivity and accuracy of high angular resolution astronomy to new limits, far beyond what is currently possible.” Source: From comments made by Frank Eisenhauer, (MPE, Garching, Germany), as the newly installed instrument GRAVITY at ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile made its first observations. GRAVITY successfully combined starlight using four Auxiliary Telescopes as a lar

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