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January 09, 2012

ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.10.12

Two occupants are uninjured in the ditching of an SR22.
James Lovell's notebook from Apollo 13 may not have been his to sell at auction.
And Turkish police choose the Bell 429.


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ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.09.12

NTSB prepares to wrap up the Reno Air Race case.
Boeing has some good news for Oklahoma City.
And cracks on some A380s have Australian engineers concerned.

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ANN Special Feature: Do Glass Panels Make Better Pilots? - 01.09.12

ANN's Paul Plack talks with CFI Bob Miller of Over The Airwaves about whether the proliferation of glass cockpits, even in small LSAs, will make a difference in general aviation safety.


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NTSB Prelim: WILD Citation VII Ride Indicated Serious Control Issues

Aircraft Responded Poorly To Control Inputs

There are few more fear-inducing issues, in-flight, than an aircraft that does not seem to be responding to control. A 1995 Citation VII exhibited just such issues on a December 28th flight starting and ending in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The crew worked through a number of scenario before getting the aircraft on the ground but based on the limited data here, this flight could have gone FAR worse. We're looking forward to more data as to what caused the issues this crew experienced. The flight was reportedly in the air just a tad over ten minutes...

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Santa Monica Flight Schools Limit Night Flying

Offers Concession To NIMBYs Complaining About Noise

The owners of six flight schools operating out of Santa Monica Airport have offered to voluntarily limit the number of take-offs and landings during evening and night hours as they come under increasing pressure from state and local governments.

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'Red Tails' Opens January 20

George Lucas Personally Funded Production

With so many Hollywood films looking like formulaic excuses for big paychecks, it's refreshing to hear the celebrities involved in the forthcoming Red Tails talk about their passion in making the tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen. George Lucas, who invested $58 million of his own money to make the movie, says a half-dozen studio heads turned down his offer to partner on the film.

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ISU‘s Southern Hemisphere Summer Space Program Opens In Adelaide

Opening Ceremony Held On Monday, January 9

The International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France with the University of South Australia has joined forces again to bring world class space education to the southern hemisphere with a five-week intensive program set to launch on Monday January 9th. A total of 34 students from 12 countries will be on hand, along with representatives of UniSA and the International Space University.

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Eurocopter Says EC175 Exceeds Operational Targets

Claims 30 Percent Increased Performance Over Design Baseline

The next-generation Eurocopter EC175 will incorporate significantly increased range and payload capacity when it enters service at the end of this year, and the company says will be the first seven metric ton-category helicopter delivered with such capabilities.

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Online Charter School Partners Offers Civil Air Patrol Program

Jan. 11 Information Session Planned For Prospective Pivot North Bay Students

Pivot Charter School, North Bay, a full-time online public school, announced Thursday that it is launching a program that lets students earn elective credits while developing leadership skills and learning about aviation through the U.S. Air Force’s Civil Air Patrol auxiliary.

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Enormous Balloon Now Flying Near Orlando

Spanish-Built Gondola Carries 24 Passengers At A Time

If you've ever vacationed in central Florida, you know it's a land of superlatives where hundreds of attractions try to out-do each other, and at least half of them are called "something world." Now, the largest hot air balloon in the US has taken its place among the hype, and it will be hard to miss if it passes by.

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Bell Helicopter’s 429 Selected By The Turkish National Police

If Awarded, Contract Would Be For 15 Aircraft, Five Options

Bell Helicopter said Thursday that it has been selected by the Turkish National Police from a field of several companies to enter final negotiations for an award for 15 Bell 429s with an option for five additional aircraft. “This selection represents the culmination of the efforts of a dedicated team at Bell Helicopter in collaboration with our independent representative, Saran Group, Inc., located in Turkey,” said Larry Roberts, senior vice president for Bell Helicopter’s Commercial Business.

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AD: The Boeing Company Airplanes

AD NUMBER: 2011-27-03

MANUFACTURER: All Boeing Model 737 airplanes.

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SR22 Deploys Chute, Ditches, Near Andros Bahamas

Coast Guard, Bahamian Officials Locate Downed Cirrus, Rescue Two In Raft

Once again... it could have been a lot worse. Another in a recent and bizarre string of Cirrus accidents (not all of which turned out as well as this one) took place this weekend as a stricken SR22 pilot elected to deploy his chute when engine problems indicated that making landfall was doubtful. Coast Guard crews, and partner agencies respond to the downed aircraft with two people aboard in the waters approximately 2 miles west of Andros, Bahamas, Jan. 7, 2012.

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Airborne 01.06.12: Reno Races Are ON, Embraer's LAS Win?? & ANN's Best of 2011

Also: Lufthan$a, LightSquared, Boeing/Wichita, Barnstorming!, K-Max, Helo Rescue, CubCrafters, AMR, and SO MUCH MORE!!!

Airborne 01.06.12 is chock full of info about the week ending Friday, January 6th, 2012 -- our FIRST Airborne of 2012... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Ashley Hale, and supported by ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell, Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, and Aero-Journalists Tom Patton and Paul Plack, this episode covers: Reno Plans Full Air Races For 2012 Lufthansa Wants PAX To Pay For ETS Embraer Thought It Won LAS... Now, Maybe Not

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Klyde Morris (01.09.12)

Klyde's Thoughts On New Year's Resolutions...


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'Microsoft Flight' To Debut In Spring

Five Years After FSX, New Version Will Be Free Download

It's been over five years since Microsoft introduced Flight Simulator X (as in "ten"), and it was a breakthrough in fidelity, capabilities and ease of use. In 2009, the team which developed it was let go, and it looked like "X" might be the end of the line for the popular series. But in August of 2010 the new Microsoft Flight was announced, and it debuted on Wednesday - as a free product.

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Mars Science Lab Trajectory Maneuver Slated For January 11

Spacecraft To Fire Thrusters To Re-Direct Spacecraft Closer To Mars

An engine firing on January 11 will be the biggest maneuver that NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft will perform on its flight between Earth and Mars. The action will use a choreographed sequence of firings of eight thruster engines during a period of about 175 minutes beginning at 2300 UCT.

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NASA Questions Apollo 13 Checklist Sale

Document Sold At Auction In November By James Lovell

When the checklist from the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission went up for auction last November, it sold for $388,000 dollars ... about 15 times more than its list price. Astronaut Jim Lovell, who made handwritten notes and calculations on the document as they strove to get safely back to Earth, had put the item up for sale.

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HFI Seeks Heritage Aircraft

Wants Vintage Helos To Display At Heli-Expo In Dallas

Helicopter Foundation International is looking for heritage aircraft to display at this year’s Heli-Expo in Dallas, Texas, to help highlight the importance of early rotorcraft to our industry. Heritage aircraft are defined as rotorcraft built in or before 1955, no longer in production, and that were able to sustain vertical flight.

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Pilot Accused Of Flying Drunk Says He Was Sober In The Cockpit

Claims He Failed Sobriety Test Because He Hit The Bottle AFTER The Throttle

A Penngrove, CA pilot who has been charged with flying under the influence of alcohol says he was sober in the cockpit, despite the "erratic" flying the California Highway Patrol (CHP) says they observed. Michael B. Ferrero told the Santa Rosa, CA Press Democrat that he "had some booze in (his) hangar," and didn't touch the stuff until after he had landed.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.09.12)

Aero Linx: Aviation Radio Spectrum Aviation depends on access to an adequate and predictable radio spectrum, which has become a highly valued global resource. Global allocations of radio spectrum, including that for aviation, are agreed by the 191 States of the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU) at World Radiocommunication Conferences ( WRC), which meet every 3-4 years. The resolutions that come out of these meetings become radio regulations and, once signed by states, have the status of international treaties.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.09.12): RVSM - Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum

RVSM - Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum The concept of reducing the vertical distance maintained by aircraft in flight from the original 2,000-foot separation to 1,000 feet in flight levels between 29,000 and 41,000 feet—or FL290 to FL410. A 2,000-foot separation had been the standard since the beginning of jet age flight. The separation reduction was made possible by the more-accurate equipment on board modern aircraft; however an aircraft and its equipment must be certified as RVSM-compliant in order to fly in RVSM airspace. After evaluation studies in the 1980s, RVSM was implemented in various parts of the world beginning with the North Atlantic airspace in 1997.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.09.12)

"We are well into cruise operations, with a well-behaved spacecraft safely on its way to Mars. After this trajectory correction maneuver, we expect to be very close to where we ultimately need to be for our entry point at the top of the Martian atmosphere." Source: Mars Science Laboratory Cruise Mission Manager Arthur Amador, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.

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